Free T Higher Than Total T? Normal SHBG? Estrogen:Free T?

You once asked why your Free T is high in relation to your Total T and the reason is low SHBG. It’s real simple, if you want to continue feeling the way you are feeling now, continue with this protocol, if you want to feel normal again then you will need to inject more frequently.

You can use 27-29 gauge insulin syringes and inject in the shoulders and quads, it’s painless.

Ok guys. Did not want start a new thread.

I have made a blood work to see where my hematocrit was 2 weeks ago. My hematocrit was 51. Since 3 years it is between 49 and 51. And now the funny part! Today I was in another city and another laboratory.

And I tested my E2 and ask for a hematocrit again since I stopped smoking cigarettes 2 weeks ago and smoke e-cigarettes now which I really like.

This laboratory gave me those numbers’

Hematocrit 54!!!
Wtf? I was not even dehydrated!
How could this be? How can my hematocrit goes up in 14 days. I reduced my dose from 200 to 125 mg. And stopped smoking. Haha. Is this a joke.
I don’t have any symptoms of high hematocrit.

Remember a blood test is just a snapshot of what is going on in your body at a single point in time. So a single draw doesn’t say too much, you need multiple points of reference to make an accurate picture.

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Yeah you are right. But I was shocked! I mean hematocrit 54 ain’t funny mate

Could it be that my too much water intake could be the reason?
The last couple of days I drunk around 6 liter water. Maybe that is a reason.

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Nope. Not that. Different lab, different numbers. They all have different equipment, slightly different ranges and can easily produce slightly different results.


Yeah mate. Will do a new test next week when I arrive home again.

Exactly, we could take blood from 1 draw and send it to 3 different labs and there is a good chance we would get 3 different results.

Unfortunately there is not much standardization in the TRT arena yet.