France vs US

 Thank you for your congrats FredBear.

 I shouldve taken into account some among us are French. 
 What part of France are you from again Fred? Please share!

Isn’t the weiner-dog supposed to be laying on it’s back pissing itself?

Anyone who has actually worked with the French or traveled in France should know they are hands-down the most arrogant, vainglorious bastards on the face of the planet - bar none. The U.S. needs another 400 years to get a head that big.

Warhorse: I always found that Parisians (the rudest of the French) were rather like New Yorkers.

just in the interest of getting your goat, diesel, I’m going to say Montreal :wink:

"Heck, the french load themselves with wine and cheese - and couldnt even manage to defend themselves from Germany. Coincidence? For your sake let’s hope so… "

diesel, with the obesity problem currently in America, I don’t think anyone could argue against French cuisine without being laughed off the face of the Earth. They might eat tons of bread, cheese and wine, but they sure as hell are in better shape as a whole than Americans. You can keep your shitty fast food.

Fred, while I realize you do not/have never/will never serve in your country’s armed forces, I thought you might enjoy the latest issue of the official French Army magazine ‘soldiers of surrender’ . It provides great insight on how to keep in the best shape of your life and execute surrendering orders with minute precision while STILL looking good for the camera. Hopefully the draft will never come, but always prepare for the worst while hoping for the best…

wow diesel, I hadn’t read that one yet, hits the newsstands