
Regarding women, they are physically inferior to men in every way, and they certainly do not have a higher tolerance to pain. They are psychologically inferior as well. They do not have a realistic view of the world, which is why allowing them into politics is national suicide. Not only are they catastrophically physically weaker than men, they are inferior in mathematics. Supposedly they are superior in language skills, but there has yet to be a female equivalent to Dante Alighieri, William Shakespeare, or even Stephen King in the field of literature. Regarding the White race, I do agree that the negro is more genetically suited to manual labor, and as a side effect is athletically superior. Also, Whites are inferior in another way. Only Whites hate their own kind. For example, if a Black Nationalist appeared on this board, he would not be flamed by other Blacks. Racial self-hatred is a wholly White phenomenon, and is a mark of inferiority on our part.