Form Check Squat

So I’ve been working up my 5 rep max using variant of SS 5x5 to reach a previous 1 RM I hit late last year. Mind you I just started squating last October, before then it was nothing but bodyweight army routines and farm work.

This video is of my last set after 4 working sets and 2 warm up sets. I take about 1-1.5 minutes between sets of rest.

This back rounding and lag (seems my upperbody is behind my lower body in the lift progression) really only happens during my last set. It started getting worst after 300 lbs.

Do you guys think this can be fixed with more rest between sets, or should go ahead and work up from a lighter weight again? Like I said, my 1 RM is significantly higher than this right now, and I am trying to catch up to it with all 5 sets of my working sets.

Also, trying not to use a belt for a while. I HAVE to use gloves though (before anyone dogs them) because I work with kiddos at a hospital as a therapist, and rough callussy hands are sort of frowned upon…

I personally suggest you lower the weight slightly and work back up or even better yet substitute back squats for Front Squats crkr awhile. Your back rounding is due more to a weakness in the muscles in the upper back more so than a technique flaw. Front Squats will def strengthen that area for you and help teach you to keep your chest high.

Secondly I suggest more direct back work only problem with SS type program they don’t devote much direct work to stabilizing muscles such as the upper back and biceps.

Pendley Rows, T bar Row, Krock Rows and pull ups or pulldowns and rear felt work will greatly help improve this and probably with in a relatively short time.

Hope this helps you any.

By the way just for your reference on who I am to be givin advice I am not the greatest Squatter but at 220lbs I Rep 315 for 15+ pretty much any day of te week. So I may not be much stronger so take my advice as you see fit here.

[quote]Reed wrote:
I personally suggest you lower the weight slightly and work back up or even better yet substitute back squats for Front Squats crkr awhile. Your back rounding is due more to a weakness in the muscles in the upper back more so than a technique flaw. Front Squats will def strengthen that area for you and help teach you to keep your chest high.

Secondly I suggest more direct back work only problem with SS type program they don’t devote much direct work to stabilizing muscles such as the upper back and biceps.

Pendley Rows, T bar Row, Krock Rows and pull ups or pulldowns and rear felt work will greatly help improve this and probably with in a relatively short time.

Hope this helps you any.

By the way just for your reference on who I am to be givin advice I am not the greatest Squatter but at 220lbs I Rep 315 for 15+ pretty much any day of te week. So I may not be much stronger so take my advice as you see fit here.[/quote]

I am not one of those f-offs that try to defend themselves with a bad newb mindset. I take advice like it is gold. I started off relatively strong because of the work I did at the farm, but like my farm boy base, I am also humble.

Every single workout I have been able to add 5 lbs to each set in the squat up until this point. My pendalys are lacking a bit, but I will up them as well. The funny thing is that the other sets didn’t have much if any back rounding.

This leaves me to wonder if perhaps I am using too much volume at these weights weekly. Maybe it’s time for some 5x3 or 3x5 work instead? I’ve been thinking about dropping back down to 300 for the remainder of this week (2 more workouts at 5 working sets) and continuing from there.