Form Check Decimation

Not trying to be a dick or anything but I highly doubt that’s your snatch grip. You’re still deadlifting it up for the most part. Take note how most snatches start with their chest up high and head up, looking forward.

You really. really. need to drop the weights and focus on the movement. As for strength, you’re not lacking in the strength department as of right now, not at all. You’re lacking in technique, finesse and mobility.

To reiterate my previous point from your previous form check post…

Finally, maybe I’m being overly critical but you’ve got quite an ego on you. I get it, no one likes lifting light ass weight. Who the heck would want to practice the snatch on a bar with practice bumpers when they can probably one arm press the exact same weight. It’s part of the learning curve mate. If you keep this up, I dare say you’ll make little to no progress on the actual classical lifts.

Oh and you can just make a post called Form Check - decimation, it would be easier for us.

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