Following Politics, Following the Money

So you are saying that you would prefer the medical care that was available in 1901? If you don’t want access to any medical procedures, medicines, or knowledge that was developed after 1901, I suspect that won’t cost you much. If you want more than people had in 1901, accept that it might cost more.

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Was there tax fraud on his part? Prove it. What are the other ways to accumulate wealth?

Stupid, check.

This resulted in approving lives of thousands of families? Were these the families whose jobs were lost to cheaper labor? This resulted in thousands of families losing a lot of disposable income, which had other negative effects.

So the regulatory climate was much more involved decades ago and jobs were more plentiful and families of the working class had more disposable income. Gasp! But this can’t be true as it conflicts with my ideology.

Most of Sanders donations are smaller donations and Sanders cannot stop a union from spending money on billboards. Can he?

More like he realized he could make money from it. The science behind it was there for quite some time. Why did it take so long for him to change his mind? Oh, I forgot. Money.

So you are saying you approve of the skyrocketing cost of medical care that comes with mediocre results?

You are a clown and a moron.

This makes more sense than anything else up to this point.


No it wasn’t, you misunderstood what he was saying. Again.

Yeah, just what I thought. Busted again!

How’s that new job coming?

I had to laugh. this is the stupidest bullshit in the universe. Who the hell would let themselves get set up as the subject person in this?

So the regulatory climate today is just as much as involved as it was decades ago?

I wouldn’t, but I’m not very artsy or expressive. Its originally part of a performance art exposition of some type. I found this on the director-

Like clockwork.

Hows yours? You convince anybody to start using drugs yet?

Whats your next gig? Maybe a campaign for “How to beat your spouse and convince her that she deserved it”?

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Oh God, had to be Canadian!

Sure, but she has an amazing vision for human forms, and she can get really hot dancers to take their clothes off and do strange things.

For that, I applaud her!

If you mean “the regulatory climate today is MUCH MORE involved than it was decades ago”, yes. By a stupendously long margin.

It’s not a dichotomy. Healthcare is mainly getting more expensive because more and more conditions are treatable. That means not only do we pay for those treatments (dying is free), we also pay for the treatments that arise from later conditions when the first now treatable condition doesn’t kill us. So paying for everyone to have access to all state of the art treatments for all conditions is more and more expensive the better medicine gets.

There is some degree of efficiency that is developed as treatments become more standardized and efficient, but the long tail is very long and many conditions are obscure and economies of scale just don’t come into play.


A single thought has never passed through your brain, don’t lie.

Well, wasn’t it you who made the profound statement that Big Tobacco could easily make profit from marijuana? Curious, why they may have passed up on these millions in profits? If it wasn’t you, do you agree with that proclamation?

Well then this would need to be broken down by which agencies have gotten an increase and which have been cut.