Fletch's Traditional Periodization Log

Tuesday Bench Day

light plyos:
wall push-throws 4x5
machine speed row 3x5

BP (wrist loosely wrapped, relatively relaxed arch)
210x9x3 30-45s about half were 30 and other half 45
*no grinders but had to up rest to 45s to keep reps smooth on some sets
*will progress when all 30s rest and reps don’t grind at all
*felt good over all, stimulated but not dead

incline db press (1 notch below 45 degrees; this seems to keep strain off my shoulders while still hitting shoulders and upper chest more)
55x8 90s
65x2x8 90s
*use 65 for all 3 sets next time

JM db press
40x12 90s
*use 45 for both sets next time

precor machine row
90lbx3x12 60s

horizontal external rotation I think it’s called
*gotta focus on keeping shoulders level

rope cable arm superset just to get blood into elbows and wrists

lower body conditioning:
throw 16lb med ball behind me and run to it and do it again for 10 minutes
*wow, this is a keeper, had me gasping and felt like Slimer from Ghost Busters made a home in my throat and nose

Thursday Deadlift Day

Hang Snatch
95lbx9x3 30s rest
go up 5lb next time

30s rest, each rep in good form and fast, up 10lb next time

Wide Stance HB GM
165x3x9 90s
give this weight another week or two so there’s less strain

good/bad girl machine
50lbx3x20 for each

db side raises

upper body conditioning
hit the bag for 10 minutes

Friday BB upper day

plyo push ups

Bench Press improved 21’s
135 for 2 sets

standing one arm cable row

flies and rear delt raises supersetted for stretch and blood flow

standing cable arm superset for pump

lower conditioning
tire flipping for 10 minutes

Monday Squat Day

Power Snatch

first 3 sets 30-35s, 4-9 closer to 40-50s and last 2 sets were slower reps, improve all of this and then go up in weight

SSB wide stance squat
185x9 120s
165x9 120s
135x9 120s
I think 155 will be best for next time, just trying to get volume in not kill myself

30lbx12/leg 60s
25lbx2x12/leg 60s

ab roll outs with rollers for each hand
*good contraction in abs
*liked the stability required of shoulders, lats, and required by core from training apparatus

Upper Body Conditioning:
battle ropes for 15 minutes

Maybe I missed something, but this isn’t traditional linear periodization at all. Seems like you’ve completely deviated from your initial plan laid outI your first post.

I did deviate and went more by the article I first got the idea from. If I decide to max or compete on a certain date, I’ll move into blocks where intensity goes, volume drops, and supplementary work gets more specific.

The name of the article is ‘Bastardized Block Periodization’ on Juggernaut Training Systems. I just made it a lot closer to what was laid out there. What I planned out initially was just too aggressive and not sustainable long term.

Block Periodization isn’t the same as traditional?

Tuesday Bench Day

machine rows for a slight pump for activation

med ball throws against wall

Bench Press
210x9x3 all sets 30s
*move up 10lb

db incline press
65lbx3x8 90s
*not bad at all, last set with 70 next time

db JM press
45lbx2x12 90s
*50lb for last set next time

machine diverging row
135x2x12 60s
*use 135 for last set next time

rope standing pulley arm super set for pump (hammer curl/pinwheel ext)
*try 5 more lb for last set next time

seated strict db cuban press

lower body conditioning:
ghetto sled pull running backwards for 15 minutes
(used aerobics pad and put smooth facing the ground, put weights on it, and grabbed the other side and moved)

Thursday Deadlift Day

hang snatch
100x9x3 30s
*made the time no problem with clean form, but I want crisper and snappier reps next time

375x7x2 30s speed and form stayed pretty good
375x2 45s reps slowing down
375x2x2 45s rep same speed as last time with the very beginning of form derioration
*improve rest interval and quality of last 3 reps before progressing
*it seemed hard to keep my upper back tight and hamstrings/hips under tension last 3 reps; quads and low/mid back wanted to take over

Ultra Narrow Stance 3 count Paused Front Squat
115x4x6 60s
*mostly had a hard time keeping upper back rigid, keep working on this weight

1L VMO Focused Leg Press (very narrow and low with my foot with lots of toe flare)
1ppsx3x12 60s

db side raises
55x2x12 60s

upper body conditioning
heavy bag for 15 minutes

[quote]Fletch1986 wrote:
I did deviate and went more by the article I first got the idea from. If I decide to max or compete on a certain date, I’ll move into blocks where intensity goes, volume drops, and supplementary work gets more specific.

The name of the article is ‘Bastardized Block Periodization’ on Juggernaut Training Systems. I just made it a lot closer to what was laid out there. What I planned out initially was just too aggressive and not sustainable long term.

Block Periodization isn’t the same as traditional?[/quote]

So you deviated from a program that says in the title it’s a deviation of traditional block periodization…?

As I understand it, linear periodization is built around starting light and working up over several weeks (or longer). You’re training to build strength, not test it. So, if your bench day calls for “245x5x5” but you do “7, 6, 4, whatever”, you’re completely missing the point of the program. This is my interpretation, anyway.

Well… yes to your question.

I’m trying to do a an effective block where I build my base. The original program called for 75 reps spread across three major exercises including the main movement and to do more sets than reps on the main movement. I thought I would modify that and do 5x5 with 75-80 percent of my max, then progress when I can get 25 reps across 4 sets instead of 5.

It was just too brutal for a block just meant to build my base and I wasn’t healing all the way inbetween workouts so I went back to the original program rather than doing what I made up.

Now rather than randomly add 5-10lbs each month or so to the main exercise, I want to really earn the poundage I’m working on so I’m looking at rest intervals, cleanness of my form, and bar speed as measures of progression which is why I’m recording those variables.

Saturday Upper BB Day

Banded Speed Push Ups (two minis)
8x3 30s

swiss ball db presses
50lbx5x10 60s

one arm cable row
50x2x15 45s

flies supersetted w/ rear delt raises
20lb/15lbx3x12 60s

straight bar cable arm superset

slosh pipe work for 15 minutes

Sunday Squat Day

Power Snatch

285x4x3 30s
285x5x3 60s
*30s rest intervals is just cardio with squats, 45s is a more reasonable goal
*was hard on last two sets to not end up on my toes and turn this into back and squat exercise

db RDL
*use 75 on second set next time

skipped accessories, have a long day tomorrow

Tuesday Bench Day

was able to make 30s per rest period and keep good form, but last 3 reps were slowish

db incline press
65x8 90s
70x2x8 90s

db jm press

some lower body conditioning
5 step sprints for 10 minutes

I think this plan will work… but it sure gets boring… Here’s an idea I think with enough steadiness, yet enough variety to keep me interested and strong(er).

High Frequency Concurrent Training (link: articles.elitefts.com/training-articles/training-with-purpose-utilizing-different-methods-in-a-high-frequency-approach/)
-This is not Westside!

ME exercises:

*Wide Stance Squat
*Pause Squat
*50lb Chain Squat

*Paused Bench
*Paused CGBP

*Chain DL
*Deficit DL
*Lowest Pin Paused DL (hang out in bottom of deadlift staying tight to kill the stretch reflex to make it more like it actually is in that position)

*always leave 1-2 in the tank on ME movements since 3 a week are done, this will help make sure it’s a technical max and not a shit my spleen out max
-once the weight feels heavy, go up in small increments, this is important
*percentages based on Prilepin’s table for DE

I’ll still be setting this up in blocks to focus on certain traits while others are put on the back burner. Here’s the block structure:

Accumulation Block has the goals of hypertrophy/body comp, conditioning, and joint health
*3-5RM on ME movements
*energy systems work every workout and maybe even some away from gym (3-5x week 10-20 minutes each)
*work supps and accessories hard

Intensity Block 1
*incorporate some light plyos
*1-3RM on ME movements
*recommended volume on Prilepin’s table
*less work on supps/acc. but still worked far from unimportant or ignored, raise intensity and more bb work
*less conditioning (2-4x week 10-20 minutes)

Intensity Block 2
*intense plyos (like depth jumps)
*1-3RM on ME
*use strength-speed cycle
*heavy but not hard on supps all bb work, accessories tailored towards injury prevention

*cut out plyos
*on ME, just go for some singles with something heavyish on very very close variants
*highest percentages on Prilepin’s table for 4 singles w/ a reverse wave
*only RE work to stay healthy

edit: base DE off of westside percentages plus 15% since I’m not basing off a geared max or using a box.

Accumulation Block for next 4 weeks:

Week 1 Joints are feeling good so just build conditioning and structure, do 10-15 minutes of alactic glycolytic conditioning after workouts (10-15s burst, 30-45s rest, repeat)

ssb squats (lactic acid tolerance training wave: 200x10x2 45s, 210x15x2 30s, 220x15-17 15-30s)
200x10x2 45s rest

paused bench
ramp up to heavy 5

db rdl

1L Leg Press

machine rows



bench (alternate grips, small arch)
185x10x3 20-30s rest

deficit DL
ramp up to heavy 5

SSB lunges

1arm cable rows

bi/tri/shoulder triset


shoulder raise triset focusing on control and stabilization (front, neutral scapular, rear)

315x9x2 30-45s rest; let go of barbell and stand up between reps

Paused Squat
ramp to 5RM

barely incline db bench


tate press

cuban press


Muscle/Prehab Day (if feeling good I’ll do it, if not I’ll take it off)
Leg Press
supersetted w/
swiss ball leg curl

swiss ball db bench

pec/rear delt superset

something overhead emphasizing stability (db z-presses, OH shrugs, OH carries, 1arm bb press, etc)

arm superset

*muscle day if done at home

db front squat/band leg curl superset
3x15-20 each

elevated push ups/chins supersetted
as many of each in 5 minutes

1arm DB Press

floor tate press/hammer curl

I like it. Have you ever looked into RTS training? It seems like something you’d like.

I’ll have to look into RTS. I’m making a new log. Here’s the link just in case you want to follow: Fletch's High Frequency Concurrent Training Log - Training Logs - Forums - T Nation

I just checked out your blog and a little bit of your training log and all I’ve got to say is nice bench! Do you think what I’ve got up there will help?