Flame Free Confession III: Even More Flame Free (Part 1)

Fatigue been the big one. This week so far has been the first time in several weeks that my ass didn’t feel kicked from work. Overall dealing with unusual muscle weakness and inflammation.

Hope you feel better soon!

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My mom is trying to “teach my brother responsibility” so is making him do all the chores around the house, which means I just cook a bit and loaf around

Confession: the economist in me is very pleased at the opportunity to free ride, but the “human” in me feels like a free loading houseguest

Welcome to the modern parent/child dynamic in the west!


Of the things I’ve set out to do as a parent, keeping basic chores from turning into an act of attrition is near the top of the list.


It’s that bad in the west too? In China, the combination of 1 child policy, rising incomes and large supplies of maids from the rural regions makes for a lot of spoiled kids

It’s also quite shocking how few of my classmates can cook

I don’t think that’s a modern thing at all. Only need one cook per household, and it can become quite a territorial thing.

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One thing I wish my parents were a bit harder on me with is choring. I definitely had it too easy.

The amount of “adults” that can’t cook is insane. When I first entered the work force, the vast majority of my peers could not cook, and ate out for EVERY meal.


My kid does them with me, happily, because he’s like my right hand man.

He’s learning how to do stuff and will have good posative experiences in the process, and we can steadily build accomplishment, capability, and independence.

I’m not hard on him at all though. Quite the opposite. I had a lot of really bad experience with all of this, so I’m making it different for him.


My kids love “helping” me with housework. They’re only 3 and 4 so it’s more “helping” than helping, but it absolutely brings the best out in them, especially my little man.


I think that is actually really important. It’s a good foundation to build sense of accomplishment, satisfaction, bonding, and the desire to want to do beneficial things.

Instead of "You need to do… Or I’ll take away your (______)!

Its “Hey kiddo, let’s knock out the (dishes, laundry, yard work) and then we can play Mario carts.”.


I literally just used the sentence “Hey babies, let’s finish the tidying up quickly, then we can have more dream house time”

Dream house being their word for building a fort.


I feel you. My parents had a patent dislike of making my brother and I work- academics first. My mom is regretting that decision with my brother, but hasn’t had that realization with me

Confession: I confess that my plan to preview intro to pure maths over break has officially come to an end. I got through 3/4ths of the course, but combinatorics proofs are just too much

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The fondest memories I have from my childhood are those of helping my dad build/fix stuff. We didn’t have designated “quality time”, we just did stuff together.

Although I did drop a large cinder block on his foot once because my grip gave away and he did say some unseemly things to my mother while he was being driven to the ER with a broken foot, notably about her repeated insistence many years ago to have a third child but that’s water under the bridge now.


I laughed out loud reading this because, while I have no issues with the recipe you described and will happily eat it any day, here in Italy there is such a stigma about making even the most minuscule deviations from the original carbonara recipe that you would most definitely get lynched for calling that a carbonara in public, here.


Oh for sure. It’s total sacrilege

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That has to be a crime against Italy right? :rofl:
@SkyzykS looks like you’re off the hook for your potato pizza

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I don’t think so. I’m just waiting for the day. It might be a cement truck with bad brakes, or just wrong place/wrong time, but it’s coming.

Some stuff just can’t be undone. Putting the words “potato” and “pizza” together is one of them.



We are gonna commit some real crimes soon with this stuff

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