Flame Free Confession III: Even More Flame Free (Part 1)

Over in another thread: our favorite Holocaust denier is back.

I think you get a gallon of milk a day and that is it.

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Got my bonus dispersed today. Did I put a chunk of it in savings and use a chunk to pay some bills? Yes, that I did. Am I going to spend a chunk of it on something Iā€™ve been putting off? Iā€™d like to, but Iā€™ll be damned if I could make a decision.

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Humblebrag: I get a fairly sizeable annual bonus in March and deciding what to spend whatever I donā€™t save on is a huge part of my Q1. I find your post incredibly relatable.

This year Iā€™m getting married a week after it gets paid so that answers that questionā€¦

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My bonus went towards buying the nail polish on my wifeā€™s pinkie finger. Im on a 10 year payment plan for the other fingers.

Weddings are the biggest of scams.


I confess that now ā€œI see youā€, I read one of your food ā€œconfessionsā€, and I think of your polar opposite -the Fatty mcFat who goes with their buddies to a burger/pizza/fried chicken place, orders a big salad, no dressing, a large diet soda, and proclaims to the world at large that they canā€™t figure out how theyā€™re the only one at the table who has trouble losing weightā€¦

ā€¦then they go home, plop on the couch to binge watch Netflix for 24 hours, stuffing Oreos/chips/M&Ms non-stopā€¦but theyā€™re not stuffing their face, because theyā€™re just watching TV!

TLDR??? :laughing:

I agree with this.

Youā€™re still married. Iā€™m long divorced.

I have no idea what I should confess about that.

Weā€™re eloping and having a few drinks for friends and family afterwards. Itā€™s ā€œonlyā€ costing a few grand but a decent clip of that is being spent on us.

If she had wanted to do a big traditional wedding we would have but fortunately she didnā€™t and Iā€™m more than happy to save myself ā‚¬25,000+ because of that.


The show rich bride poor bride will really make you grateful for your wifeā€™s view of weddings

Haha I hear ya man, Iā€™m in the process of buying a home so whatever I do opt for will be pretty small.

Regarding your one postā€¦

My butt is so sore it feels like someone has repeatedly hit it with a large hard object !! Flame free

What ever you and your significant other does is your businessā€¦


@T3hPwnisher @flappinit Iā€™m out, sainthood has worn off, I was never that dumb.

Tag, one of you can be it.


Until the dude decides he doesnā€™t want to be a victim, itā€™s a lost cause.


Donā€™t be unfair, he has no access to beef, just an unlimited supply of Digiornoā€™s Meat Lovers Pizza.


@dagill2, @T3hPwnisher, @flappinit

Oh well, it is what it is :rofl:

To be fair, meat and beef donā€™t have to be the same. Iā€™ve heard cheap grocery stores sell ground meat instead of ground beef. :man_shrugging:

In China, ā€œmeatā€ unless otherwise specified = pork


This most likely explains all the giggling I received when I was requesting constant meatings.


I had to check average prices for weddings in my country. Found a more reasonable figure. And itā€™s not uncommon to have an cover charge instead of a wedding present.

Fixed it for you, you uncultured swine.