First Time Ostarine Cycle

Day 3:
12.5 mg Ostarine, Fish Oil, Multivitamin

Woke up feeling really good. Awesome energy throughout the day and really good workout. Felt a little stronger but could just be placebo. Nothing really noticeable so far.

12.5mg of Ostarine, some fish oil and a multivitamin? Woah, hardcore.

This the most PG-13, Disney-assed, low-fat, gluten free, vegan-friendly, watered down cinema cola log of all time.

Double your multivitamin dose, bro. Really ramp up those gainz. Don’t forget to use an AI with your fish oil.


I think it’s funny that people could judge a supplement like ostarine by ‘energy throughout the day’ and having ‘a really good workout’. For the most part, those things are not even why one takes steroids. I use caffeine for the above affects. I use steroids to get fucking strong and jacked. Steroid cycles often make me feel shitty and lethargic anytime I add in things that aren’t test. lol. The exception to that would be dbol.

And yea, it’s seriously not worth mentioning that you’re using fish oil and a multivitamin at all, CERTAINLY not in every fucking post. We get it.


Not sure why you guys are deciding to be assholes. Just being thorough. If you dont care to read dont bother.

na, bro, this log’s awesome. What dose of multivitamin you running?

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I dunno guys. Chewable multis are pretty hardcore. I wouldn’t give him shit if he’s using chewables.

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he’s in a world of hurt if he’s stacking chewables with fish oil.


I literally lol’ed at my desk. <3


A lot of misinformed morons in here. 1. Ostarine has been through 27 different human studies. In one study fat free mass increased 3% with just 3 mg of Ostarine on sedentary elderly men over 60 who did no resistance training over the course of 12 weeks. 2. It’s anabolic effect can be clearly seen with a reduction in total testosterone levels on those who take it. 3. There are plenty of fake sarms out there with filler products or worse and could be the reason for people seeing no progress. Or their diet/ training just sucks. 4. Ostarine was never meant to be as powerful as AAS. Those expecting extreme gains will be disappointed. Ostarine should put 5-10 pounds of fat free mass with 25 mg and that is it. It can give you a decent boost, help you overcome plateaus etc, and if you’re lucky maybe a bit more.

Why are you necro’ing a thread almost three years old to give your personal opinion?

Don’t think in the 3yrs time difference, that there could have been more studies completed than what was available at that time?

Stop being an idiot

Info is info. Why does time elapsed from the original post matter? People google sarms, this comes up which is full of bs. Most of what I wrote is medical fact. The selective androgen receptor modulator GTx-024 (enobosarm) improves lean body mass and physical function in healthy elderly men and postmenopausal women: results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled phase II trial - PubMed
LGD 4033 was shown to build around 1.4 Kg of fat free mass with just 1mg.
The safety, pharmacokinetics, and effects of LGD-4033, a novel nonsteroidal oral, selective androgen receptor modulator, in healthy young men - PubMed

Because you come in acting like an asshole calling people morons like you are some Gods gift to steroids or information. Half of the shit you wrote, you copy and pasted from some site, the other half is diarrhea of your mouth.

Why dont you write what you experience? Show photos, describe your diet and training? Describe your cycles ( I dont mean your menstrual) either.

Lmao have you seen some of the disrespectful posts above? None of what I wrote was copy and pasted, however it was regurgitated from well written human trials and studies. I came in here with science to clear some bs up in here, and that’s where ill leave it.

So you have no experience with it? You think calling people out on bullshit is disrespectful? Such a purdy little snowflake.

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Calling someone out on bullshit whilst spewing broscience bullshit. Sounds legit bro. Go back to school.

Well provide real first hand experience. Describe cycles in depth, training and diet to include photos. I will even apologize.

BE extremely careful not to melt, would be a shame to lose you.\

Telling me to go back to school, when all you did was copy n paste and regurgitate some bullshit from 2011 to a thread 3 years old. Ironic and Moronic all in one, you must be one hell of a catch. You made some dood very happy.

It should, however that conclusion isn’t definate, some drugs have a dose dependant curve response where results taper off as the dose becomes higher to the point that adding more equates to just adding side effects. Secondly there is no clinical trials on higher doses of SARM’s verifying their safety profile, impact on various health markers or whether they can be sustained for long term use. Although the concept of SARMS is super interesting and could very well turn out to be a solid alternative and potentially even safer than AAS, we just don’t know yet. People shouldn’t be pushing SARM’s because the dangers are unkniwn, 27 small studies isn’t really enough to make a large conclusion from. We need double blind, placebo controlled studies with healthy men at hign doses with at least 1,000 subjects per study, which will never happen as the ethics committee will shit all over such a study

fecal vomiting is actually real, super gross, since I learned about it I’ve had like two nightmares about it

Don’t get me wrong @newbvet the guy in question is being childish, rude and ignorantz esp with the 2 year thread bump lol. But the potentially homophobic comment is unwarranted, wait, is apophis a guy or a girl… Is it safe to assume gender in 2018? Probably not, society has gone to HELL!!!

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hahaha I needed a good laugh this morning thanks.