First Test Cyle - Estrogen Concerns

Hello guys,
After 5 years of training and doing a little bit of research on steroids, I’ve decided to do my first cycle. In two weeks from today I will start my first test cycle. It will be a simple 500mg Test Cyp with Arimidex.

Today I’ve received my hormone blood tests. Here are the results:
TT: 30.9nmol/L (8.49 - 55.47)
E2: 54.5 pg/mL (< 56)
LH: 2.74 IU/L (0.8 - 7.6)
FSH 1.87 IU/L (1.7 - 11.1)
Prolactine: 326 mIU/L (53 - 360)
Hematocrit: 42.2%
AST: 30 U/L (3 - 38)
ALT: 56U/L (3 - 41)
TSH: 1.47 mIU/L (0.4-4)
FT3: 6.4 pmol/L (2.75 - 6.42)
FT4: 12.8 pmol/L (10 - 24)

My stats are 170cm, 75kg, 12% body fat. I’m 28 years old.

I am little concern with my E2 levels, which as you can see are at max level. What do you suggest? Should I start at a higher arimidex dose? e.g. 0.5mg ED


You have hypogonadism and one reason why may be the elevated E2.

Please post lab ranges, you can edit the post above, see the lower RH corner of the post above.

I think that you should be looking to fix your HPTA now and not breaking is more.

You need these labs:
prolactin !!!
TSH, fT3, fT4 [please not T3, T4]

Open a thread for your case in the TRT forum and read these stickies there first:

  • advice for new guys
  • things that damage your hormones
  • protocol for injections
  • finding a TRT doc

Yes you should lower E2 with anastrozole. Suggest a liquid product and take 0.5mg/week in EOD dosing, count the drops/ml and do the math. Target is E2=22pg/ml

Provide a list of all:

  • meds, Rx and OTC
  • all supplements
  • anything applied to your skin
  • alcohol included

Here are my full Lab results

TT: 30.9nmol/L (8.49 - 55.47)
E2: 54.5 pg/mL (< 56)
LH: 2.74 IU/L (0.8 - 7.6)
FSH 1.87 IU/L (1.7 - 11.1)
Prolactine: 326 mIU/L (53 - 360)
Hematocrit: 42.2%
AST: 30 U/L (3 - 38)
ALT: 56U/L (3 - 41)
TSH: 1.47 mIU/L (0.4-4)
FT3: 6.4 pmol/L (2.75 - 6.42)
FT4: 12.8 pmol/L (10 - 24)

Your prolactin is elevated and may be suppressing your LH/FSH.
This can be from a prolactin secreting pituitary adinoma.
You could try 0.5mg/week Dostinex/cabergoline in two divided dose and see how your bloods respond.
Prolactin may not be high enough to attract doctors attention. But a doc would confirm via a MRI $$$

SHBG will be higher which will be lowering FT and your T status is probably lower that TT implies.
E2 is high, raising SHBG.

Hematocrit low but consistent with low T status.

AST/ALT are raising concerns. If not elevated from training or muscle soreness/injury, the concern shifts to any supplements, drugs [Rx or OTC] or toxins that might be taxing the liver enzymes that also clear estrogens. See prior post.

TSH shows some elevation above 1.0
That might be from a lack of iodine, not using iodized salt.
fT3 is elevated above midrange.
Check oral body temperatures as per the thyroid basics sticky.
If body temps are low and with elevated fT3, suspect that rT3 is blocking fT3 and look at effects of stress.
fT4 is below mid-range and that is also consistent with low iodine intake.

Action items:
lower E2 with anastrozole
try to find what might be interfering with liver estrogen clearance
check body temperatures
increase iodine intake if you have not been using ample iodized salt long term
read the suggested stickies, its a big learning curve.

You should be looking to fix your HPTA and should avoid doing cycles at this point.