First Cycle. Need Advice from the Wisemen

first off some basic stats
6 foot
200 lbs ive been up to a trained 220 pretty fluffy at that weight
12-14% BF
been weight training off and on-ish since about 18 mostly for health and to look decent but never had major aesthetic goals, just wanted presentable body and decent strength which i achieved once. met a girl and basically stopped training seriously for maybe 1-2 years. started again and going strong for the last almost year and have now returned in better form to what i was before the training break.

i just came off the candito 6 week program with some moderate strength gains. however haven’t maxed so big 3 lifts are approx
squat: 380
deadlift: 405
bench: 275

i have been thinking about a cycle off and on mostly on the decision to hold off until i’m older and achieved some goals naturally before going on a cycle. those goals were: stay consistent in the gym again for 6+ months and to get my weights back to these levels all though they are slightly off from what i had set originally. and to bring the body fat back down from low 20’s that i was at after the training break.

i am reaching this point of feeling confident to jump on a cycle which i would do for aesthetics and not so much for strength. i have access to buy face to face these days so i can easily get them from trusted source.

i guess my question(s) are
in what way should my training look on cycle? specifics please i want to put on muscle mass and have the typical shredded aesthetic look. i fully understand all lifting terminology types of training etc.

currently doing hybrid strength/muscle building routines on a push-squat centric legs-pull-deads/leg strength weekly split

in what way should i change my diet?
currently trying to slowly go down to 195 to lose my last bits of fat. my diet can be hit or miss mostly on missing some meals which i would address pre cycle. just under 3000 cal per day with a 40-30-30 split (carbs-fat-protein) this is also approx.

and last what would be a good first cycle stack to pack on the muscle and shred the fat away?

i can throw some photos up if it helps or matters. thanks yall

sorry for bad spelling and grammar…

I would advice you to wait it out some more before jumping on cycle

And adviced first cycle for anyone would be 500mg of testosterone a week, and get your PCT drugs and AI ready, and you might want HCG aswell.

Couldn’t agree more with what probnit8 just said, stick to a basic test cycle, get your Aromasin ready at the beginning of the cycle and start with 6.25 mg eod, and increase if you get any high e symptoms… but from what it sounds to me by reading your intro you should maybe wait another year or two of consistent training before juicing, you should only start juicing when you’ve reached your genetic barriers … if you don’t know your body that well then you’ll probably not be able to retain your gains … it’s your decision at the end of the day brother, but I think that you’ll be able to reach more if you wait before hitting your first cycle, remember it’s a marathon, not a sprint

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Yeah I think I can make some more natural progress for sure, and probably quite a lot actually.

And I still have not decided weather to go for it at all now or ever in the future.

But I would still like some form of answers to the questions as far how training/diet should or should or not change when on cycle. We can call it hypothetical. I just can’t seem to find straight answers on the subject.

And it’s all part of understanding so I or anyone else can have that little bit of extra knowledge to make informed decisions about what it’s really like to take this stuff

So for clarity

how would training change white being on cycle specifically for muscle mass development? I’ve had people tell me that they lift heavy af when on cycle and light when off.

And how will being on cycle effect for nutrition. Will you eat more surpluses with less negative effect or would you take a higher nutritional cut? Or no cnahge at all?
Have heard it both ways here as Well

Thanks In advance everyone

Hey buddy, I think that there’s probably no general answer to that question, every one of us is different, and with different goals. I’m for example naturally a little skinny guy, so I eat big to get big, but I’m also a bit older, so I watch what I’m eating, avoid junk, high protein and high fat but low carb. The only thing that I can generalize on a bulking cycle is that you shouldn’t wait until you’re hungry, hunger is your enemy when you’re bulking :slight_smile: your bulking results will improve by 2 percent digits if you never wait until you’re hungry but eat beforehand.

So basically just do the same thing you would do on cycle vs off? Other than adjusting for higher intake while bulking

Basically yeah bro