First Cycle Log

Years training: around 6 i believe
Body Weight: 200 lbs
Body fat %: not so sure but i did manage to go from a 44 inch waist to a 32 inch waist in 6 months of cutting . i lost ALOT of fat and muscle too, so hopefully ill be able to recover and add more mass.

I found a really good source here in a brazil from a GOOD underground lab, so i have pretty much every steroid and protection available to me for future cycles. I decided to go with test enanthate and anadrol. the reason why i choose anadrol over dianabol was because i had already bought it from a pharmacy before i found this source
heres what i plan on doing

100 mg anadrol for 3 weeks
500 mg Test Enanthate ( 2 shots a week) for 12 weeks
post cycle will be the P22 taper

I started taking the anadrol last night and did my first injection ( thigh) today. everything went well, but my leg is VERY sore.

I had a good intense workout, im not sure if the anadrol is kicking in already or if it was just mental.

do you guys think i should add arimidex while taking these drugs? clomid?

regarding diet and training. i plan on eating around 5-6k calories a day

ill keep this updated on a weekly basis
sorry for any typo, english is my second language!! hehe

Well, it’s good to have the a’dex if you need it. Everyone reacts differently, though, you may not need it at all. Most aren’t that lucky. If you begin to bloat, take it.

And for your second language, you write better than a lot of native speakers I’ve seen on this forum!

Sounds like a good cycle. It’s nice to see someone on here who has done their homework.

Yes, have arimidex and if you don’t have it yet get it soon. As fiveoh said, you don’t have to take it, but at the first sign of gyno I would start a low dose (.25 every 2nd or 3rd day and up from there if symptoms persist). I also agree with fiveoh that your English is excellent.

What’s the legal status of AAS in Brazil?

Make sure and give us plenty of updates. I really enjoy these cycle logs, especially when the cycle is set up well and the user appears to know what he is doing.

Good luck.

[quote]thebus1984 wrote:
Years training: around 6 i believe
Body Weight: 200 lbs
Body fat %: not so sure but i did manage to go from a 44 inch waist to a 32 inch waist in 6 months of cutting . i lost ALOT of fat and muscle too, so hopefully ill be able to recover and add more mass.

I found a really good source here in a brazil from a GOOD underground lab, so i have pretty much every steroid and protection available to me for future cycles. I decided to go with test enanthate and anadrol. the reason why i choose anadrol over dianabol was because i had already bought it from a pharmacy before i found this source
heres what i plan on doing

100 mg anadrol for 3 weeks
500 mg Test Enanthate ( 2 shots a week) for 12 weeks
post cycle will be the P22 taper

I started taking the anadrol last night and did my first injection ( thigh) today. everything went well, but my leg is VERY sore.

I had a good intense workout, im not sure if the anadrol is kicking in already or if it was just mental.

do you guys think i should add arimidex while taking these drugs? clomid?

regarding diet and training. i plan on eating around 5-6k calories a day

ill keep this updated on a weekly basis
sorry for any typo, english is my second language!! hehe


thanks guys, ill get it on monday

Cortes,AAS are banned in brazil, however its very easy to find gear
theres are only 5 types of steroids available at the pharmacy: Sustanon, Anadrol, Deca, testosterone cypionate and Anavar.

if you find the right pharmacist( which is EASY) he will sell you the gear, people in brazil live off sustanon!! the problem is that around 70% of steroid users are teens who know NOTHING about roids.

if youre looking for other steroids, you can get them from underground labs who get their powder from a chinese dealer or other countries like argentina,paraguay etc.

[quote]thebus1984 wrote:
thanks guys, ill get it on monday

Cortes,AAS are banned in brazil, however its very easy to find gear
theres are only 5 types of steroids available at the pharmacy: Sustanon, Anadrol, Deca, testosterone cypionate and Anavar.

if you find the right pharmacist( which is EASY) he will sell you the gear, people in brazil live off sustanon!! the problem is that around 70% of steroid users are teens who know NOTHING about roids.

if youre looking for other steroids, you can get them from underground labs who get their powder from a chinese dealer or other countries like argentina,paraguay etc.

On a side note I was in Brazil and Argentina about 8 years ago. There are some real HC gyms in Sao Paolo. But Argentina is (or was) something unreal. You could basically go to any downtown small pharmacy and get your hands on any gear you wanted. And I mean legit. Too bad back in those days I hadn’t turned to the dark side. :frowning:

WEEK 1 finished…
So far
weight: 211
Gained 45 lbs on my deadlift today comparing to last week. keep in mind that i was powerlifting for years before i started to lose weight, so theres still ALOT for me to reach my records.
I do feel like i have some water in me, but thats ok. i also havent noticed any signs of gyno. i have had some headaches and a hard time sleeping at night, but thats about it
im also a little worried because i injected my glutes with a smaller needle (22 G1) and didnt feel ANY pain. what do you guys think?

[quote]thebus1984 wrote:
WEEK 1 finished…
So far
weight: 211
Gained 45 lbs on my deadlift today comparing to last week. keep in mind that i was powerlifting for years before i started to lose weight, so theres still ALOT for me to reach my records.
I do feel like i have some water in me, but thats ok. i also havent noticed any signs of gyno. i have had some headaches and a hard time sleeping at night, but thats about it
im also a little worried because i injected my glutes with a smaller needle (22 G1) and didnt feel ANY pain. what do you guys think? [/quote]

Haha. You’re fine, man. Just doesn’t hurt, sometimes.

Already having a hard time sleeping sucks. I’m about ready for my current cycle to end so I can finally get some normal sleep. My CNS clanging wakes me up five to ten times a night and I feel like hell in the mornings for it.

end of week 2
Weight 225
holding on a little bit of water but im still looking lean. i did my fifth injection of test today, im not sure if the stuff has kicked in already but the lifts are going up. no gyno signs yet, and the headaches have gone away.

i think the biggest reason why i cant sleep is the heat! its summer time here and i HATE sleeping in warm weather. i also wake up 3-4 times a night which is a pain in the ass :frowning:

My best lifts were 480 squat and deadlift and 350 bench. all done raw with just a shitty belt.

Sounds like you’re having a good go. Those are some good numbers with your lifts - quick gains!

Did you start the a’dex, or are you one of the lucky ones in controlling bloat without it?

I started adex on week 2, but i still felt a little bit bloated, which i dont mind right now as long as i dont start getting gyno symptoms.

WEEK 3 finished
weight: 229

as you can see the weight gains werent that huge when comparing to other weeks, im still getting stronger though. i think im very close to my max numbers on the big 3 lifts
i slept alot better this week, no headaches and no sides noticed. this was also the last week of anadrol, i really loved the stuff, it WORKS!

[quote]thebus1984 wrote:
I started adex on week 2, but i still felt a little bit bloated, which i dont mind right now as long as i dont start getting gyno symptoms.

WEEK 3 finished
weight: 229

as you can see the weight gains werent that huge when comparing to other weeks, im still getting stronger though. i think im very close to my max numbers on the big 3 lifts
i slept alot better this week, no headaches and no sides noticed. this was also the last week of anadrol, i really loved the stuff, it WORKS!

You’ve gained 29lbs in 3 weeks? Your test-e shouldn’t have even started to really kick in yet. Damn man you should post more often.

yeah it was alot of weight, but keep in mind that i was cutting weight before i started the cycle.

i had dropped around 50 lbs and the last 10-15 pounds was water weight. i had a grappling match and needed to be at around 200, a weight that im not very comfortable at
i would have probably been around 215 right now if it wasnt for the anadrol.

WEEK 4 finished
weight 231

here are my strengh gains compared to last week:
did 2 extra reps on squats along with 2 extra sets
bench press went up 2 reps
deadlift went up 10 pounds

have yet to notice any sides

[quote]thebus1984 wrote:
WEEK 4 finished
weight 231

here are my strengh gains compared to last week:
did 2 extra reps on squats along with 2 extra sets
bench press went up 2 reps
deadlift went up 10 pounds

have yet to notice any sides


         Just reiterating what the other guys have been saying. Solid looking cycle. Excellent job!

               happy gains!


WEEK 5 finished
weight 233
all major lifts ( bench squat deadlift) went up 10 lbs from the previous week. i have never been this strong at this body weight!
fat gain/bloat is stable now, i havent noticed any since i stopped taking the anadrol
the sides are:
A few zits on my face
im sweating and urinating alot, specially at night
having a hard time sleeping again
a little bit of testicular pain

do you guys think i should be worried about these sides?

i also got some gear( sustanon, propinate and oil based injectable stanozolol) for future cycles.

[quote]thebus1984 wrote:
WEEK 5 finished
weight 233
all major lifts ( bench squat deadlift) went up 10 lbs from the previous week. i have never been this strong at this body weight!
fat gain/bloat is stable now, i havent noticed any since i stopped taking the anadrol
the sides are:
A few zits on my face
im sweating and urinating alot, specially at night
having a hard time sleeping again
a little bit of testicular pain

do you guys think i should be worried about these sides?

i also got some gear( sustanon, propinate and oil based injectable stanozolol) for future cycles. [/quote]

Before I read your last sentence, I was thinking that your sides sound like mine, minus the sweating, but my house is freezing cold at night and I’ve heard of this side in others. So I’d say no, I wouldn’t worry too much. During my cycle my arms and fingers wouldn’t stop falling asleep and I couldn’t get to sleep.

[quote]Cortes wrote:
thebus1984 wrote:
WEEK 5 finished
weight 233
all major lifts ( bench squat deadlift) went up 10 lbs from the previous week. i have never been this strong at this body weight!
fat gain/bloat is stable now, i havent noticed any since i stopped taking the anadrol
the sides are:
A few zits on my face
im sweating and urinating alot, specially at night
having a hard time sleeping again
a little bit of testicular pain

do you guys think i should be worried about these sides?

i also got some gear( sustanon, propinate and oil based injectable stanozolol) for future cycles.

Before I read your last sentence, I was thinking that your sides sound like mine, minus the sweating, but my house is freezing cold at night and I’ve heard of this side in others. So I’d say no, I wouldn’t worry too much. During my cycle my arms and fingers wouldn’t stop falling asleep and I couldn’t get to sleep.


glad to hear that! :). my house is so hot, and on top of that my AC broke down so im forced to sleep on the floor with the vent on high.

WEEK 6 finished
weight: 235
Squat and deadlift went up 5 pounds and bench press went up 1 rep. i had a really shitty bench day, i failed on my first set and that ruined the rest of the workout.
i need to find myself a parter!

sides remain the same minus the testicular pain
so far everything looks good. i might extend the cycle a week or 2 since i will have some extra enan

[quote]thebus1984 wrote:
WEEK 6 finished
weight: 235
Squat and deadlift went up 5 pounds and bench press went up 1 rep. i had a really shitty bench day, i failed on my first set and that ruined the rest of the workout.
i need to find myself a parter!

sides remain the same minus the testicular pain
so far everything looks good. i might extend the cycle a week or 2 since i will have some extra enan[/quote]

Sounds like you are making crazy gains. I hope you will post before/after pics at the end of your cycle.

the testicular pain is your nuts shutting down…it’s common…mine sort of ache for a bit and then shrink up like rasins…i actually don’t mind having shrinkage because i find it a lot more comfortable (I have kind big floppy balls along with pretty thick thighs so having a little extra room for the boys is nice).

the only thing i don’t like about the shrinkage is what it means (no endogenous test being produced) and having to get them back kicking after the cycle is done.

Not sure if you mentioned PCT in your OP but I assume you have it figured out. If you have access to more enanthate a taper would prob be the best way to go.