First British Powerlifting (Classic) Championships

Just thought I’d share my results from the British Powerlifting championships.

Managed to get an 820kg total at 104kg (300/220(new record)/300)kg.
apologies if link format is a bit borked; relatively new to the forums despite being a member some time.

Happy to share methods etc. Look forwards to climbing the ranks!


Congratulations on the excellent effort and the record!

Care to elaborate how you trained leading up to this?

How did you place?

Damn fine total.

Thanks mate.
No problem, will send over my full breakdown tomorrow after work.

I placed first in the 105kg and think I was 2nd/3rd overall.
A lad missed all his squats due to some very strict judging on depth. I’d be second if he got his squats in as he had a much bigger deadlift than I. Onward and upward though!

Thanks mate! Appreciate your time for watching

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Awesome total!

Awesome job dude!
That back spotter for the squats looks like he could move some weight…

You know you’re only 4.5kg away from the 105kg IPF bench record, right? By the way your 3rd bench moved, I think you can get it.

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Yeah I sadly had a sciatica flare up after my second squat; my squat wasn’t really affected but I couldn’t but my feet under me or put pressure through them. Essentially flat back with no leg drive haha. I can touch and go 235kg so just a matter of bridging the gap. Cheers

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Yeah he’s a sturdy lad! thanks mate

The “world standard” for the IPF single lift bench record to count is 235, if you can manage that in a bench-only meet (which should help you avoid any sciatica or similar issues) then you have a record. If I was you, I would aim for that right now.

Nah, i’m a powerlifter mate. That will come as part of the process!


Pretty much all 3 lifts, 3x a week.

Base template (week1):

Mon: 3x3x75%

Every Monday progresses +1.5%:

W2 W3 W4 etc
76.5, 78, 79.5, 81, 82.5, 84, 85.5, 87, 88.5, 90 (ending week 11 on 3x3x90%)

Every Wednesday remains the same. This serves as a light day… it’s the time to improve rate of force development; over time this ends up being ballistic as it becomes easier.

Friday follows the following progression:

3x2x93% reps start dropping here to allow for LTDE’s to catch up
2x2x94% reps further drop and we lose volume via a set to start the taper
2x1x95% …and again

the final week (12) is a simple intensity taper…

Mon: 3x3x70%
Wed: 3x3x50%
Fri: 3x3x30%

Compete Sunday.

Realistically, the training at or above 90% for a long period causes neural fatigue kinda holds up… but undulation can mask it, and by the time you are in the 90% range, it’s probably mid to late 80’s. If we have a view of 4% increase, you are only truly in your new 90% range for the last 3 weeks.

Every system I follow is pretty different, but they all can be traced back to this. As a drug free lifter, specificity and frequency is typically king unless you are mega heavy.


So your training revolves around nothing but the three competition lifts - no variations at all? Do you do any accessory work like rows, ab work, etc.?

Not for competition prep. Prior to the peaking cycle I train in quite a different way. I bring up the components of strength (an article for another time), and antagonist work in the name of injury prevention.

Great lifting!

Cool Peaking Routine. I look forward to your Off Season training article!

Did you find that you experimented a lot with lower frequencies (1-2 days per week per lift) and/or really high frequencies (5+ days per week per lift), before arriving at 3? Just curious because [I think] it’s fairly rare to see lifters do everything thrice a week, particularly deads.

Many studies have shown that the same load divided over more sessions has
shown to be more effective for force production.

However, if hypertrophy is your goal to grow into a weight category, a
higher chemical stress can be had by doing the load in fewer sessions
(creating a bigger SRA and adaptation; but at the cost of becoming
efficient/tolerant of a stimulus. Efficiency is the enemy of strength and
power, proficiency is the key; given the former is the ability to conserve
energy to do more work, whereas the latter is using as much energy as
possible to do the same work in less time).

Beyond basic levels, they can’t co-exist (well, from a drug free athlete
point of view anyway).

Volume is always almost the key to progress when you plateau, but people
presume this needs to be made up of more reps in a single session.

Lifter B trains bench press Mon and Thurs, 5x3x85%. He decided to up his
volume to 7x3x85%…
All that happens is he can’t recover for Thursday from Monday due to
+40-50% volume increase, so has to dial back… and ultimately doesn’t

Lifter A also trains bench press Mon and thurs, but he decides to up his
volume by training Mon/Wed/Fri with a 4x3x85%.

Lifter A totals 36 lifts @ 85% in a week but is sore, beat up, and has no
room to increase load in the following weeks.
Lifter B totals 36 lifts @85% in a week, but is fresh, explosive, and has
plenty of room to increase load in the following weeks.

Put it this way, if powerlifting became a paid olympic sport… you think
we would train a lift 1x a week?

Also be sure to distinguish between lift frequency and turning up to the
gym frequency…
Going to the gym every single day but only training a lift or muscle group
1-2x a week is LOW frequency. The only frequency that counts is for the
skill you are trying to evolve.

The 3x3x3 system can be done over 9 training sessions by dividing each lift
down… if you had the time!

thanks for reading