First Bench With a Shirt

[quote]mattwray wrote:
Pinto wrote:
Dedicated wrote:

Of course it will help a 500 bench go higher I never meant to imply it wouldn’t you missed the point. However, I am not a powerlifter just a stupid lifter and if you want to recommend guys that bench 200 jump into shirts by all means go for it.


Ehh, stupid is a little harsh. I think that this line of thinking is very common and not altogether unfounded. It makes sense- keep your training simple, train raw, get strong, then you add a shirt and move even bigger weights- right?

The joker in the deck is that optimum shirted benching technique is so very different than raw technique. The peculiar strength curve and coordination required to get the most out of a shirt these days are somewhat unlikely to be developed with raw pressing alone- even with board presses.

nice post


[quote]Dedicated wrote:
This is question is more out of curiosity and not meant to incite argument, but isn’t a bench shirt meant for very heavy poundages? Like when one can already bench three hundred pounds plus raw and uses it for comps to get closer to 350 - 400?


Ya no shit, a guy with a 250 max getting a shirt.