Finibars and Pre-WO Nutrition

I am currently dieting for my first show, and am sitting at 80-100g of carb/day. I am thinking about replacing my pre-wo meal of 6oz of chicken and 1 cup of oatmeal with Finibar and scoop of whey. What have users experiences been when it comes to low-carb workouts, while using Finibar? I am wondering if it will help with pump? ANY feedback will help.

Thank You

I know that The Mighty Stu often has a Finibar or three before lifting, even leading up to a contest. You should be fine. You might just want to keep an eye on the timing, since Finibars are meant to digest easily. Compared to oatmeal and chicken, you might end up feeling better eating a little closer to your session.

[quote]TroyerPerformLLC wrote:
What have users experiences been when it comes to low-carb workouts, while using Finibar? I am wondering if it will help with pump?[/quote]
Not sure what you mean. If you’re having Finibars before training, you’re not exactly having a “low carb workout.”

I meant in terms of the whole day. Having 80g of carbs, and training hard 6x a week is what I consider low-carb. Glad to hear they are easily digestible. That’s what I really want.

[quote]TroyerPerformLLC wrote:
I meant in terms of the whole day. Having 80g of carbs, and training hard 6x a week is what I consider low-carb. Glad to hear they are easily digestible. That’s what I really want. [/quote]
Ah, gotcha. Yeah then, if you’re low carbing during the day, before and/or during the workout is pretty much the best place to “spend” whatever carbs you do take in.

How many minutes before the workout would you say I take in the Finibar and Scoop of whey? Given that the Finibar digests so quickly.

[quote]TroyerPerformLLC wrote:
How many minutes before the workout would you say I take in the Finibar and Scoop of whey? Given that the Finibar digests so quickly. [/quote]
Depends a little on your system and what you’re used to/when you used to have the chicken and oatmeal. A half-hour or so, on the high end, should be fine, but I’ve had them 5 or 10 minutes before leaving for the gym. Some folks even have them during long duration training sessions, sports matches, competitions/marathons, etc.

[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:
I know that The Mighty Stu often has a Finibar or three before lifting, even leading up to a contest. [/quote]

Lol, yeah, I’m definitely a big fan of using Finis to make my numbers each day. There are certainly lots of different approaches to cutting, but I’ve always personally been a fan of keeping carbs as high as possible in order to retain maximum muscle mass in the process. If that means downing 1/3-1/2 of my daily carbs around my training in order to have a productive session, then I’m there.


Had my first Finibars yesterday. Took one before with a scoop of whey, and one after with another scoop of whey. Those were my carbs for the day, and I must say that my muscles felt full while training.