Finally Serious AGAIN

First of all I would like to say that I have been a huge fan since before this site even became forum oriented. It has been a fountain of advice and inspiration since I found it when I was training with a local powerlifter, and has been what has kept even a negligible amount of muscle on my frame with inconsistent training and poor diet.

Anyway why am posting is that a few years of minor depression, major drinking and a helluva bad attitude toward life in general I recently made a drastic step towards recommiting and reclaiming my lifestyle of old. But the problem is my resources are somewhat limited at the moment.

I have about 155lbs of old plastic weights with a thin bar(hey don’t laugh). So for the past six weeks I have been limited to pull-ups ,pushups, burpees, and twice a week flag football for sprint work. Which has help me shed about 19lbs while still not eating the best.

I plan to still stay on reduced cals but try to stay in a high protein, moderated carbs(As close to T-dawg as possible. But I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to tweak this workout so as not to die and keep most muscle(oh yeah unsure of body fat now but 2 years ago when checked at 26percent at 278lbs)…

Now on to the new workout plan, sorry for being long winded and hard to follow catch me earlier in the night or day for clear concise thought process.

am 2-3mile run (fast pace)
pm 1 arm snatches, push-up work, shadowboxing intervals

am 15 descending set of burpees 15-1
pm light shadow boxing, plyo-push ups, abs,light complexs in between shadow boxing

Saturday Sunday
pm active recovery several mile hike and stretching or next day strectching with light shadow work and stretching and bitch getters(curls)

Supplements Zma,protein powder, and a once daily vitamin(till I can afford Carbolin 19)

Goals:Reduce body fat maintain as much muscle as possible, and be back under real iron by the the first week in January

Old numbers:age 18 500lbs for triples belt only squat below parallel
age 21 330 for 3 bench(no bounce) deadlift when working from 5 inch or better platform(deficit) would pull 405 for 12 never really maxed hard.

Not wanting ego stroke on numbers I was just trying to help yall tell me whether with what you see from a strength standpoint if you could tell me whether volume too high or exercise selection too rediculous please help.


Don’t fret about the numbers or the program too much. Do what you can with what you have and it will buy your ticket back into the game.

That you are serious and are sticking to it is what is going to matter more than what limitations you have in the short term.

Welcome back!

I dont see much weight lifting in your routine. Why not add some old fashioned plastic weight set exercises. Barbel rows, curls, bench, military press, etc.

Whats up with the shadow boxing?

Like Vroom said, being consistent is what will matter in the beginning, but I would add more lifting. Also shouldnt stretching be done daily?

[quote]ManonFire23 wrote:

We don’t do that here.

[quote]Petedacook wrote:
I dont see much weight lifting in your routine. Why not add some old fashioned plastic weight set exercises. Barbel rows, curls, bench, military press, etc.

Whats up with the shadow boxing?

Like Vroom said, being consistent is what will matter in the beginning, but I would add more lifting. Also shouldnt stretching be done daily? [/quote]

Thanx for the responses but with the light amount of weight I have it is difficult to be challenged with the exercises you just mentioned. If you had read the program and stated goals you would see that I am more trying to lose fat as I feel that is the most prudent use of the limited resources i have. Hence the shadowboxing and complexes along with bodyweight exercises and one arm snatches. However will heed your advice and devote more time to stretching.