Finally Ready to Go

I’ve been deadlifting about 60% for 3x5 for the past 2 weeks, absolutely no sciatic pain and think I’m ready to get back to the 5/3/1 cycle I had started but I added some changes. Also some physique changes, although I wanna be strong, I would prefer not to have more fat than muscle. So right now I’m trying to pack on muscle strictly. Here’s the new workout.
*** pull up tree- 5 wide, 5 mid, 5 close grip bicep pull ups
*** push up tree- don’t want to explain but it’s incredible for triceps


roll upper and lower back
frankensteins, backward lunge,inch worm, side lunge
basic stretches

squat- 3x5 3x3 5/3/1 deload 3x5
dbell bulgarian squat- 3x12
ham curls 3x12
back extenstions 3x10
dbell curls 3x10

post- incline walk 2 miles

dynamic warm up
regular stretches

bench- 3x5 3x3 5/3/1 deload 3x5
incline dumbbell- 3x5 3x3 5/3/1 deload 3x5
cable row 3x15
1 arm bar row 3x12
push up tree x3

elliptical- 15 minutes

dynamic warmup
roll back
frankensteins, backward lunge,inch worm, side lunge

deadlift- 3x5 3x3 5/3/1 deload 3x5
push press- ( strict press every 2 cycles ) 3x5 3x3 5/3/1 deload
tricep pushdown 3x15
pull up tree 5 each x3
shoulders 3x6

post- incline walk 1 mile
elliptical 5 minutes