Fertility KS?

To make a long story short, I’m done having to deal with the symptoms of low t. Haven’t been able to find a root cause. I’m 22, At this point the only thing that holds me back is fertility concerns. I’ve hung around here and tried to help around a bit so I’ve learned quite a bit, but I still need the expertise from others here. Yes, I have researched and read many posts with the same question, but I found no satisfying answer.

As of now I’m starting to think of making a “deposit” at the bank just in case, getting on KSman’s protocol with hcg. However my question geared towards KSman or anyone who knows, is about adding HMG to the HCG to prevent the receptors and testes from loosing the ability. I understand HCG has a slight crossover effect to FSH, but i wonder if that’s enough? What would a good HMG dose be? If doing HCG monotherapy does the HPTA also shutdown? and if it does is it only LH?

I was thinking perhaps, KSman’s protocol + 200IU EOD HMG. I just want to everything possible to try and maintain healthy fertility. i know you should find someone who cares about you no matter what, but how awkward would I feel if aside from having to inject things weekly, I have to take a gal to the bank to get the seed?

Can I accomplish this by completely bypassing the HPTA and just supplementing FSH and LH to mimic natural levels? should one have to run occasional nolva cycles every once and a while to keep the HPTA somewhat active?

Hi Tuna,
I went back and read your first post and its progression. Wow, its hard to believe that we have the highest pricedhealthcare in the world. Your docs have given you a serious run around, and I am sure what they
charged you and your insurance company wasn’t cheap.

I cannot speak to the long term chances of fertility with HCG/HMG, I am sure KSman is better suited to answer that question. But, what I wanted to add is wrt taking a gal to a bank to get seed sometime in the future.
I am 43, and over the years things that I would have thought were embarrassing at 22 have become non issues
as the years have passed. You will look back one day and feel the same about many things.

Having the foresight to bank sperm as an insurance policy will come across as smart to your potential wife
and mother of your children. Plus, who knows…you many still be able to produce sperm naturally when the time

Good Luck

Hi Tuna,
I went back and read your first post and its progression. Wow, its hard to believe that we have the highest priced healthcare in the world. Your docs have given you a serious run around, and I am sure what they
charged you and your insurance company wasn’t cheap.

I cannot speak to the long term chances of fertility with HCG/HMG, I am sure KSman is better suited to answer that question. But, what I wanted to add is wrt taking a gal to a bank to get seed sometime in the future. I am 43, and over the years, things that I found embarrassing at 22 have become non issues. You will look back one day and feel the same about many things, the seed bank will be one of them.

Having the foresight to bank sperm as an insurance policy will come across as smart to your potential wife and mother of your children. Plus, who knows…you many still be able to produce sperm naturally when the time comes.

Good Luck

You can freeze sperm, but AI or IVF can be difficult and costly.

In any case, you can do a short nolvadex cycle, replacing hCG every 2-3 months. And a sperm count can monitor what is going on. Using a SERM is cheap and you make your own LH/FSH. HMG works, but is expensive. When on nolvadex, you can test LH/FSH to confirm result.

Thanks for your kind words PKNY, helps to hear that.

Thanks KS for the advice and what you do for people here. What would a nolva dosage and cycle look like in this situation?

10mg/day, and LH/FSH labs might suggest adjustment. You will be on your own, figuring out what your body is doing. No cookie cutter solution.