Feeling Nervous/Aggressive After Training

“I’m just gonna SIT HERE and kick your ass!” :smiley:

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Wait, where did @chris_ottawa’s post go? Now mine makes no sense.

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If you reload the page it will probably show up, sometimes it shows your last post twice and one is on top of the previous post.

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ahahaha thank for this video
what the hell gang of dogs, even dogs in america are crazy

hahaah that is right, when i training hard my leg, if i have a fight i will be so weak for move and so on

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That’s all quite normal really. A lot of cognitive factors are at play too, not just biological. Certain things about how you view training, how you interact with others and yourself, make up a decent chuck of your behavior as well.

maybe it is only my brain who have some problem after training,but the best things for to be peaceful i think it is swimming, really, and good for cardio if u are in “gain weight” u can lost a lot of cardio faster i u don’t care