Favorite Biotest Supplement

Biotest has a lot of great products but what is your favorite? Why do you like one particular product over the rest? Please try to stay away from qualitive comments that make you sound like a NO ad. Low-Carb Grow! and Surge are staples in any worthwhile nutritional program so they don’t count.

Did HOT-ROX help you drop 20lbs?

When you started using Alpha Male did your strength increase an unusual amount?

Has Spike allowed you to read articles on T-Nation for 5 straight hours intead of your usual 2?

Let’s here the testimonies!!!

[quote]mroussell wrote:
Low-Carb Grow! and Surge are staples in any worthwhile nutritional program so they don’t count.[/quote]

So you’ve disqualified the two suppliments that realy put Biotest on the map?!? MAG-10 not included, Surge and Grow! (Both Classic and Low-Carb) are what won me as a loyal Biotest customer.
