Fat Loss with 2 Day Split HIT and Calorie Deficit?

Hi guys, i need some wisdom. 1of all sorry for my english im from colombia, a latino guy!

Ok, so my questiom is: CAN I GET MORE LEAN OR RIPPED, LOSS FAT with a 2 Day Split HIT workout??

My wourkout is:

2 exercices per Body part, 30 sec rest. 4 sets of 8 to 12. Really heavy.

Day 1: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps and Back
Day 2: Bíceps, Forearms, Traps, Calfs, Hams and Quads.
Day 3 to 5 repeat cycle.
Days 6 and 7 Rest.
And do a circuit of CORE (abs) days 1,3 and 5. Around 10 to 15 minutes, i do around 4 to 5 exercices.

I drink a big cup of coffe and a cap of 500mg green tea Before workout like 20 minutes. And another cap in the day around 4 or 5 pm.

So my training is based on research that says that:

  1. Heavy Weighs burns more fat/calories
  2. HIT like 30 sec rest, burns more fat and keeps my methabolism active to burn more fat.
  3. Coffe because it helps using more fats as energy than carbs.
  4. Green tea because keeps my methabolism active and high to burn more fat.
  5. 2 day split because this way i burn more fat than a 4 o 5 day split training routine and keep my muscles stimulated. Not fatigued but stimulated.

I dont do cardio but i “remplaced it” with the intensity of the workout.

About my meals i cant afford 6 meals so i do my best to eat lean, like 3 or 4 times… My breakfast is medium to light size, my lunch is protein always. Chicken breast, beans, meat, but always some protein, and my night meal or dinner is like the lunch but i keep the protein and reduce the carbs, rise, potatoes and the others.

About supplements i just take 5g of creatine monohidrated mixed with 5g of glutamine after workout.

Drink like 2 or 3 litres of water a day.

I dont have that much time i just can train like 1 hour to 1 and a half hour. And is awesome like that.

So i need some thoughts. Some advice. About this “new” method im experimenting on. I feel more balanced but i want to really burn my belly fat. I want to get ripped. Really. I need help. What should i change? Add?

Please help!

And thanks!

Ask anything you want!

how long have you been doing the new workout?

2 Weeks, i know is not a lots of time but i want to get sure that im soing it right!


"2 exercices per Body part, 30 sec rest. 4 sets of 8 to 12. Really heavy. "

Who recommended this? You should have listed your exercise selection. Does “Day 3-5 Repeat Cycle” mean that you do two of the Day 1 sessions?

Age 21, is based on scientific research. More stimulation not fatigue. No i do it like this: day 1: Training 1. Day 2: training 2 Day 3: T1 Day 4: T2 Day 5 T1 and the other week the day 1 is T2 and so on.

21 Years Old.

Is based on Scientific Research, "So my training is based on research that says that:

  1. Heavy Weighs burns more fat/calories
  2. HIT like 30 sec rest, burns more fat and keeps my methabolism active to burn more fat.
  3. Coffe because it helps using more fats as energy than carbs.
  4. Green tea because keeps my methabolism active and high to burn more fat.
  5. 2 day split because this way i burn more fat than a 4 o 5 day split training routine and keep my muscles stimulated. Not fatigued but stimulated. "

The repeat cycle means:

D1: Training 1
D2: Training 2
D3: T1
D5: T1
D6: Rest
D7: Rest
Day 1 Again: T2

and so on!

My Exercise selection is basic 1 compound movement and 1 isolated! I change Exercises often to better stimulation on the muscle .