Fat Loss Journey Making Me Fat

Stacks of unapproved and unregulated SARMs, peptides or anabolics are preferable to a drug that has been approved by the FDA for the intended goal of weight loss?

I’ve seen these sentiments lately in regards to Ozempic / Wegovy / Semaglutide (all the same drug). I think this bias to think it is going to cause a lot of health issues is largely related to how popular the drug is. Celebrities are using it, house moms, gym bros… It gets more coverage in the news and on social media (both good and bad). What is missing for the most part from the bad stuff on it is probabilities of those negative things happening.

Anabolics are already notorious for terrible side effects if abused (things like heart, kidney and liver failure). Peptides like MK-677 have caused insulin issues. SARMS have negatives too (often similar to AAS). If stuff like this was as popular as Semaglutide, I’d wager there would be all sorts of coverage of the negative effects they can cause. It would seem worse than Semaglutide.

The FDA approved the drug for weight loss. They consider the potential health benefits of a drug compared to the potential negative side effects. A drug that could kill cancer cells is allowed to have more negatives than one that cures acne. The FDA looks at lots of these types of drugs and only a few are approved (meaning the risk was acceptable to the FDA weighed against benefit) compared to the vast amount of weight loss drugs on the gray market.

Semaglutide also works better than almost everything else (aside from perhaps DNP which is not even close to FDA approved, and may kill it’s users).

FDA=big pharma. same entity. if you haven’t figured that out yet, you need to some serious research/soul searching

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Yeah, no. It is true there is corruption just like with most regulating bodies that hold a lot of power. For the most part the FDA is a road block for big pharma. The FDA requires testing (that costs lots of money) to be approved. Big pharma has to prove their drug is safe (relative to the benefit) and effective to the FDA. The FDA can pull drugs off the shelves for numerous reasons (and have done so), which costs big pharma lots of money.

I take it that you think big pharma is bad, right? I don’t think that is a very objective stance. Just like most corporations, they are in general greedy. That is a legit complaint. However, the medical advances provided by big pharma are significant. Most people would have shorter or worse lives without big pharma. Both of my parents would be dead without big pharma. Over half of my aunts and uncles would be dead without big pharma (they are between 60-70).


they have some limited application. think insulin for type 1 diabetics, ibuprofen for some aches, and venom anti-dotes. bio-identical hormones as well ofc. but this is about 1% of their market. the problem with their greed is when it kills people, and it does a lot of killing. a lot of psych meds, vaccines etc…all poison nobody really needs. as you know pharma is purely symptom focused. a true human oriented pharma would be root cause focused, but this would not be good for business. you go to a doc and get some patented chemicals. ever wondered why most docs won’t give you any natural aids (there is some exceptions to this)
is one thing when coca cola is greedy…well you might get cavities and get fat for the corn syrup in sugary drinks, another when they outright execute you
their approval stamp is not very meaningful. it probably means it won’t kill you immediately.

I have ADHD. There is no fix for my lack of dopamine response, but ADHD meds help a whole lot.

Some root causes have no fix, and only symptoms can be addressed.

Medicine isn’t poison, at least not always. I’m not a fan of pharmaceuticals or western medicine, but they have done some amazing things too. I wouldn’t be blasting Deca if it weren’t for someone trying to address symptoms :man_shrugging:

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i take some dexedrine here and there too…telmisartan as well. T/hcg…
not anti pharma, but they went too far …

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This pales in comparison to how many people have had their lives extended or improved with pharma.

Define a lot.

I for one am sure glad I didn’t spend my childhood in an iron lung like FDR did. The polio vaccine is responsible for that.

I am on Psych meds and they help me more than harm from what I can tell. Some people need them. I am glad that it is available.

Most of them are inferior to pharma. Also, not all that is natural is good for you.

Do you have an understanding of what is required for FDA approval of a drug or medical device? I do as I worked on medical devices. It’s a ton of testing and auditing. Stringent requirements on quality. Pharma is generally tougher to get past the FDA compared to med device (aside from things like pace makers, leads, stents, etc).

Many of the medical devices used on humans in other countries wouldn’t get an approval for animal use in the USA. I know this because the Chinese division of my former company tried to do that. They tried to get an infusion pump used on the Chinese approved by the FDA for vet use. It didn’t meet the FDA standards. BTW, infusion pumps kill people. The ones here that have been approved by the FDA kill a lot less people than the ones like the Chinese pump I mentioned.

Clearing the FDA doesn’t mean that a product is 100% safe. There is benefit vs risk that the FDA considers. Some consider the FDA to conservative.

Milton Friedman (the famous economist) claimed the FDA approval process was biased against approval of some worthy drugs because the adverse effects of wrongfully banning a useful drug are undetectable, while the consequences of mistakenly approving a harmful drug are highly publicized, and therefore the FDA will be conservative as to have the least public condemnation.

I agree with you that big pharma is greedy. They can be leeches. I just don’t think it makes sense to deny the good that big pharma and the FDA have done.

last post on this from my side;
polio vaccine is hoax. tldr; it was DDT poisoning. here some reading.
no they don’t save more then they kill. i estimate the ratio being 1000:1 (kills/saves)
if you want to do any serious research on this, you need to skip on mainstream search engines (google/bing etc) as they are heavily censored. I recommend russian yandex. just type in ‘polio vaccine hoax’ in both google and yandex. you see the difference.
google used to be like that. then defeated by their own algorithms which went against big pharma (and others) they had to make ‘adjustments’

I think we will have to agree to disagree.

I did read a bit of your source. I don’t find it compelling. Red flags go off for me when the source is referencing the Bible for a scientific paper.


Just because someone quotes the bible, doesn’t make what they say less truthful. I think scientific theories like evolution and the big bang require a much higher degree of faith and dogma than religion.

If you believe vaccines are necessary after everything we just went through with COVID. Then you are beyond help.

Nothing is for free in this world, except vaccines, because government and big pharma care about us so much.

When they are using the Bible to attempt to prove FDR didn’t have polio, I think it is reasonable to disregard the argument.




I recall scumbag Fauci saying something along the lines of ‘my jesuits teachings blabla’ referring to some decisions he made. modern science and your leaders are full of this shit.
a lot of ‘modern science’ is nothing than a religion. endless subject…
as in for polio…again no such existed. it was caused by DDT - neuro damage. they stopped DDT and at the same time pharma introduced they magic cure. suddenly rates dropped and media started singing of praise to the almighty pharma.
same shit as with covid those days. a giant hoax, a toxic vaccine, expect this time around you have the still somewhat free internet and information can not be locked by the clergy.
but attempts of censorship are in full swing, just look the google/yandex example. or the recent FDA commissioner statement ‘misinformation is reducing life expectancy’ sermon.

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I understand the frustration around this. The government officials didn’t do a good job with messaging. In some cases new information came out, and they changed directions with their messaging. This is understandably disconcerting for many. They were speaking on what they thought, not fact at that point. They should have waited until they knew. At the same time with Covid, they needed to have recommendations for people, and they needed to make decisions.

What do you mean by “modern”? As compared to just science?

I wouldn’t call it a religion either. Religion is faith based, science is evidence based. Science changes all the time when new evidence is discovered. One shouldn’t believe in a scientific theory as truth. That is anti-scientific in fact. One can tentatively accept a scientific theory as the best explanation we currently have. Science doesn’t make claims. If no claims are made, how is faith involved?

This thread went from “I cant lose weight because I’m eating too much food” to “Polio is fake because jeebus said so” rather quickly.

May I suggest that @lamehack and @Bloodofaries take this over to PWI and discuss there?

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I agree that this thread went too far lol.