Fat Chicks

first things…congradulations savannah & ed…you guys are few and far between.

I agree with people and there opinion of lazy people, now, i'm not trying to give these people an excuse, but, i think a lot of them quit 'cause they don't have the right info. They'll try a "healthy diet plan" consisting of pasta and vegetables and tofu. low protein, no fat. And they wonder why it's so hard, they think enjoying a good steak will ruin their diet! or else they bust ass on the treadmill for an hour everyday and don't train with weights. They find it monotonous, so they quit. the gym i workout at doesn't even have a single barbell!!! that tells you what kind of people workout there! but i'll be switching gyms when i go back to school...so that's good. I think i'm rambling...i'm tired...i'm going to go have some steak and oatmeal...

Army- you dumb ass. Don’t tell us about this chick, go flirt with her and close the deal…become her workout partner and take her the rest of the way…when she is hot she will always remember you loved her when she was fat. You can’t ask for a better ace in the hole. Flirt with her a little bit, then say something fucked up to her like, " I liked that outfit you had on the other day better." Not that bad, but it’s kind of fucked up. IF she is wearing that outfit next time you see her, close the deal. A couple of MD6 cycles my friend and you will be the happiest man alive. 'cause lets face it…A good looking chick who takes her looks for granted will always be a fucking bitch, but if she had to work to get hot, she just might be cool, that is if you weren’t the guy in highschool calling her miss piggy.

Army - If you haven’t yet, you MUST say something complimentary to that girl. You may not believe how motivating it will be. It’s really nice to see so many posts in support of those people who are making more intelligent decisions/efforts to improve their health.

I’ve run the full gamut in regards to this thread. At 19, I was in the gym 4 hours a day, weighed 110# and was in damn good shape (6 weeks out from my initial foray into competition at the Emerald Cup, didn’t end up doing it but that’s another story). Shortly after that, I had a high-risk pregnancy requiring extended bedrest and my weight ballooned to 190#. If any of you have ever had that massive a weight gain, you understand the emotional/psychological devastation it brings. I kept that weight on for 4 years. When I finally decided to do something about it, going back to the gym was the one of the most horrific experiences of my life. Having been a fitness bunny at one point and then becoming and orca made it even worse than if I’d never been in shape at all. Being the “fatty” in a gym feels like being flayed and then swimming through a pool of pirahana - it’s not easy. I toughed it out and over 8 months, I lost 60#. I worked out sporadically for the next 2 years, put about 15# back on but have been consistant for about 5 weeks now and am seeing some lovely improvements. Along with those improvements have been the compliments - both sincere and gratuitous. I am one of the few chicks that does free weights almost exclusively (also don’t dress to impress, lounge/pose around, or wear makeup to the gym); I’m there to work and so hearing that I use great form or that someone has noticed I’ve made progress is an incredible motivator.

I think the problem is that alot of these overweight people read up on a quick diet (lose 50lbs in 6weeks) or drive by the gym and say hey - I’m going to give this or that diet a try and see if I can really do it. They half ass it through their program and decide - I’m just meant to be fat - I just have bad genetics or some shit.
The idiots dont understand that it took years for them to pork out to rediculous proportions and it’ll take years to get slim again. It takes a lifestyle change to become healthy and slim - it’s not a fad diet or a couple months in the gym - it’s a lifetime commitment and unless they open their eyes and realize they are always going to be fat asses if they dont change their LIFE they will always be fat asses. Sad.

What a warm(light) and fluffy thread. Hey, I have no problem with fat just as long as it doesn’t shower next to me. Also, people who are double my weight should not hold me up in the gym. See it all comes down to my feelings.

Simple, this site attracts body obsessive/body dysmorphic individuals - I am one of them - I would honestly not want to live if I ever ended up 20% BF with 12" arms and a beer gut.

Some people have different priorities mosty friends are getting more out of shape as they approach 30, but are happy go lucky and don’t really give a fuck. We are not normal people - neither are compulsive eaters but alot of people fall into a middle ground of contendedness. Sure everyone would love to look like a model, but the fact they don’t doesn’t make them bullimic or use steroids for decades and get brittle bones

Are you two idiots smoking crack together? Stu that was quite possibly the most unintelligible post i have ever read you ass

Nothing is more impressive to me than seeing real progress in the gym. At my old gym, there was a young women, who moved from around 250-300lbs to easily about 180-200. She was taller than most women, so she could easily carry more weight and looked very good at 180-200 even thought she obviously still had room for improvement. I’m just glad that I told her congratulations and gave her a little encouragement when I had the chance. She moved from being well overweight and fairly weak, to lifting more than all but the strongest guys in the gym. It is just really awesome to see a real life transformation. I have nothing but compliments and encouragement for those overweight people that actually get it done.

Army – Give her some encouragement and well-thought compliments. Consider it a 3 month investment towards getting laid.

What didn’t you understand? People on bodybuilding sites are extremely body conscious to the point of body dysmorphia. DNP, steroids, etc etc. There is a saying all things in moderation, most who frequent these sites and count fat and carb grams fall way far from that. I am one of them, I have body dysmorphia, my life fell apart when I couldn’t train. 95% of people care about how they look and want to watch what they eat but you are delusional if you think the behaviour of us bodybuilders is mentally healthy. By the way I have spoke candidly to alot of people I made friends with on weights forums and they all agree, deep down it is a very deep psychological compulsion.

Have you not heard of the Adonis complex - basicly the male version of anorexia bullimia. And you can bet your ass that if there were steroid like drugs as readily available as gear that made women toned and lose weight they would flood the black market