Fat Burning Diet

I need a good fat burning diet, any suggestions?

The more detailed the better


Eat healthy, lift heavy weights, sleep well. Wake up and do it again. The diet is only as good as the activity you do after you eat it.

Yeah I lift weights and do cardio

If you’re not already eating healthy, simply correct the things you know you should be, and shouldn’t be, eating.

Then, determine the calories, carbs, fats, and protein that you want to consume each day and divide it up amongst however many meals you can consume.

Once you stop making progress, simply cut back on your overall daily caloric intake by 250 calories.

If you want a specific meal plan, search the forum as plenty have been posted or check out the many diet articles that have been posted on Testosterone.

The short of it: cut out all starches and eat mostly meat and green vegetables.

[quote]hexx wrote:
The short of it: cut out all starches and eat mostly meat and green vegetables.[/quote]

This “diet” has been very successful for me. I say “diet” because at this point it’s a lifestyle that I will happily continue forever. Although I am slowly dropping body fat (especially belly fat), my weight is staying stable and I know that I will be able to keep the fat off. In the past few months I have dropped more than 4 inches from my waiste (measured around the navel, relaxed) and I am still going strong.

If you eat mostly clean and train with intensity, your body will naturally become more lean. You don’t need to make it complicated, just eat smart.

The V-Diet…but I don’t think you’re going to like it.

The ZONE diet is pretty good…but its not really a ‘diet.’ Basically you figure out how much protein you need, break that up into three meals and 2 snacks…get most of your carbs from green veggies and fruit(that are low glycemic) and a little bit of good fat with each meal/snack!

After awhile you can add grains/some starches back, but sparingly…

[quote]hexx wrote:
The short of it: cut out all starches and eat mostly meat and green vegetables.[/quote]

I think I’m going to try this…I love vegetables so it should be somewhat palatable