Fastest Way to Get Ripped - Workout for Natties

I followed it fairly strict (had to supplement a few exercises here and there and sometimes the gym was too busy to superset everything) for 6 weeks. I love it. The volume fits me and the super sets was something my training was previously missing. Learning to control the tempo and really feel the muscles work was a great change from the way I was working out (heavy low rep sets, lots of rest between). I don’t know what I lost in weight or body fat but I can visibly see my upper abs after following for 6 weeks.

Thanks mate.

Im at the end of the 5th week now. I got stronger, look a little bit fuller, more pumped I think and all of that while being on a caloric deficit.

But this plan has its toll on your body. I’m starting to feel a lil bit sick, but something else can be the reason.

Still, I can only recommend this workout routine to test yourself and push your boundaries of intesity a bit further. You will learn that probably you weren’t training as hard as you could before.

Thanks mate. That is good to know.

Hey guys
So even on the high stress days - you stop 2reps short of failure on the compound and 1/2reps short on the isolation ?

So you never hit failure at all ?
Romanian deadlifts 4x8-10 each one of these would be 2 short of failure etc ?

I never hit failure on any of the compound lifts just use the heaviest weight you can manage with good form to get all of the reps. Don’t over complicate it man. If you used the 50lbs dumbbells for shoulder press in one set and got all of the reps too easily go up a little on the next set. There are some programmed in failure reps on the pump days like biceps cable reverse curl 4x10 superset w biceps cable curl 4xMAX (you’ll reach failure here) superset w rope cable curl 4xMAX (again failure here). Run through it for a week and write down what you used and the reps you got and compare that to the next week. Make a note to yourself on how that particular weight felt, like you need to go up or down to keep the rep scheme. It’s pretty intense especially with all of the super sets and short rest periods.

Thanks dude!!! I just wanted to clarify I had it right. At first read I thought the days were structured as in high intensity - you give it everything. Medium - Half effort on all the exercises. Low - just feel the muscle working etc. I now understand the intensity ranges are in the form of the exercises with the allocated sets/super/triple sets.
I will, I track all my workouts. I’m the only one in the gym using good ol pen and paper writing down weights beside the exercises each day/week!

@Christian_Thibaudeau ever tried this method of training in a surplus ?

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I was wondering the same about doing this while in a surplus… Anyone try this with hypertrophy as the goal?