Fasted Lifting

So, here’s my question, o great ones.

If I’m trying to burn fat, not add bulk, and I lift first thing in the morning 3x a week, WITHOUT eating, then go running, and then eat, what happens?

What’s your opinion?

I’m following the BFFM method. I do cardio 30 minutes 6-7 days a week, lift 3x. My diet is pretty solid.

What happems you have sub par performance because you have NO fuel so you have less of a training stimulus to tell the body it needs to keep the muscle it has.

The again your in a starved state you start doing High intensity activity weight then running which call for glycogen as fuel Ya aint got much after he night fast you quickly burn what you have and then turn to muscle tissue to create more through glucogenesis. which means your lifting to lose fat but your eating up precious muscle instead.

Eat something get the better more intense workout which will be better in the long run for your goals and save your hard earned muscle


Starving and exercising, contrary to popular belief, usually hurts more than it helps because of the above explained process. To lose weight you need to be in a a caloric defecit. That doesn’t mean you have to eat like a mouse, neglect pre and post workout nutrtition, and exercise till you fall on your face as your muscles are stripped to create energy. A bit overdramatized, but just eat before and after workouts. Take it gradually and if you are losing weight great. If not cut back the calories slowly. Don’t say “fuck I gained 2 lbs no breakfast no bread and no fat!” Just take it slow do it right and bask in the glory of success!

[quote]darkyetbright wrote:
So, here’s my question, o great ones.

If I’m trying to burn fat, not add bulk, and I lift first thing in the morning 3x a week, WITHOUT eating, then go running, and then eat, what happens?

What’s your opinion?

I’m following the BFFM method. I do cardio 30 minutes 6-7 days a week, lift 3x. My diet is pretty solid.


I am trying to burn fat as well, and I used to do the same thing as you, work out and do cardio without eating, but I quickly switched because it does use up your hard earned muscle for energy.

30 minutes before I hit the gym, I have a protein shake, so I at least have something in me. Even if it is something small, you want to make sure you put something in you before you workout, so you can have some energy. I feel this has helped me greatly, while still losing fat and having enough strength for weight training and cardio afterwards, and hopefully it helps you too.

One more question, what is the BFFM method? Pardon my ignorance.

Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle. It is somewhat higher in carb recommendations, and takes dietary fat a lot more seriously, but all in all, a solid program that will work to a good extent if used the way it is written. Imo obviously.

[quote]tmoney1 wrote:
One more question, what is the BFFM method? Pardon my ignorance.[/quote]

Ahhh, I gotcha, thanks for the info on the program rbpowerhouse.

[quote]rbpowerhouse wrote:
Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle. It is somewhat higher in carb recommendations, and takes dietary fat a lot more seriously, but all in all, a solid program that will work to a good extent if used the way it is written. Imo obviously.

tmoney1 wrote:
One more question, what is the BFFM method? Pardon my ignorance.


[quote]Phill wrote:
what you have and then turn to muscle tissue to create more through glucogenesis. which means your lifting to lose fat but your eating up precious muscle instead.


Gluconeogenesis me thinks. :slight_smile: