False Fat From Certain Foods

I just finished reading a few articles about how certain types of foods can cause gas and water retention and give the appearance of ‘false fat’. They claim you can lose a visible 5-10 pounds fast just by dropping these foods. It reminded me of a lot of the research I’ve done on natural diets, as a lot of the food on the list were banned in those diets: wheat, sugars and dairy. One thing that threw me off, though, was that the people behind the ‘false fat diet’ were also blaming bloating on eggs.

I want to start cutting out the problem foods, especially when I need to cut a few pounds, but I don’t like the idea of giving up eggs. Based on my readings in natural dieting, there are sound reasons why the other foods cause adverse effects, but eggs don’t make any sense.

Does anybody know how much of this affect eggs have? I know wheat products get me bad, as I can lose as much as 6-8 pounds in a few days by just dropping the carbs. Dairy I’ll have to experiment with. But I don’t even want to try giving up the eggs if their not a big cause of this. I think I’m going to try the dairy first, as I’m already low on the carbs…

Is this for a competition?

Because I don’t see how this type of “cheating” your body out of being bloated will help you reach your goals. shrug

Why not loose the fat the natural way so that even if you’re bloated - you’re happy with the way you look?

Some of the time this will be for competition. But I also plan on doing it just for the look. My body fat is already pretty low and dropping (around 12-13% now), but if I can look a little leaner at the beach by dropping the dairy I’m willing to give it a try.

Also, I’m not sure if I see it as “cheating” the body out of being bloated. The theory behind why these foods cause bloating is because our bodies act adversly to them. Dairy and wheat are actually 2 of the most allergenic foods. Even people that don’t see themselves as lactose intolerant have some sensitivity to it.

Oh I see. I just wanted to make sure I understood you.

Link please? I’m curious to see what these foods are.

I can’t remember what site I was on where I first saw the term “false fat” but afterwards I google it and found out there is a whole diet craze behind it. I’m not really looking to jump on the diet band wagon, but I have experienced the effect of dropping the grains and wouldn’t mind understanding it more so I can maintain/achieve the effect when desired.

The following foods are listed as the big 7 on this site- http://www.elsonhaas.com/health_tips/2000_april.html :
cow’s milk, wheat, cane sugar, eggs, corn (and corn syrup sweetener), soy products, and peanuts.

[quote]greedysob wrote:
The theory behind why these foods cause bloating is because our bodies act adversly to them. Dairy and wheat are actually 2 of the most allergenic foods. Even people that don’t see themselves as lactose intolerant have some sensitivity to it.[/quote]

Okay, I don’t want to aim this at you, but this type of stuff annoys me, so bear with me while I rant.

Some people have what I like to call “food issues”. They do react when they eat certain foods. These people would be wise to figure out which foods cause them problems and consider how best to deal with the situation.

The rest of the population can eat and drink whatever it damned well pleases because the foods don’t cause reactions and they are perfectly fine for consumption.

Except for competitions or rare situations I think it is silly to avoid foods because they may release gas during digestion or because they might make you retain a small amount of water.

Eat healthy, live well.

Anyway, again, there are situations where it can actually matter, so sure, see if there are things you have reactions to and plan around those when the time is right.

[quote]vroom wrote:
Okay, I don’t want to aim this at you, but this type of stuff annoys me, so bear with me while I rant.

No worries, vroom. I appreciate the input.

Yup its real for me anyway.

What?? cornstarch/pudding even sugar free. Eat one package of sugar free pudding and Ill blow up like a puffer fish. A literal 10+ lbs over night all on the outer layers of Skin/fat. Ill piss it away in a day or two but have learned to just stay the hell away from it.