Falling Like Dominoes...Matt Lauer

Im not saying hes always the pitcher I think its a mutual. The gay sex doesnt really bother me but what does is Hanitys hairline starts at his eyebrows…Thats just weird

Whenever I bash someone, I try not to focus too much on shit the genetic - I fail at this quite often, but it’s something I try to avoid. Lord knows I’m a goofy looking motherfucker (ha I can say this now)


Also, I think when you have a culture where sex has become very casual, kind of permeates our culture. Talking about crude humor (nearly every joke on a lot of shows) porn, casual hookups. I’m not sure it’s easy for people to see that on TV, see sex be portrayed as very casual/ crude or whatever and then flip a switch where they clean it up and act like a different person, know how to be a gentleman at work.

I’m wondering how much this is falling out with average Joe at average Company. I’ll be a lot of people are sweating right now.

I heard someone on the radio joking this morning. If you bought sex toys for everyone in the office this year, I hope you kept the receipt! Ha! That story about Lauer really made me wonder if our sex-saturated culture has made some people completely loose their marbles. Ok to buy for your spouse. NOT OK to buy for someone at work.

Also, I heard someone speculating about Chelsea Handler. You kinda wonder if women like that are going to have a young male intern or assistant come forward. I wouldn’t be surprised.

Edited to say: I think it takes more of a mental leap for people to go from the one side of the line which is pair bonding/ fidelity and love, the creative power within a marriage. Than if they see it as meaningless adult fun/ a naked handshake - So unlikely to have the power to actually harm anyone, offend anyone. Rationalized as no big deal, even at work with women you have power over.


Any time people are famous and rich they will put their privates places they ain’t sposd to be. They all cheat don’t be fooled…but what Laur Oriley ect ect do is abuse power out of a combo of entitlement and hornyness only a married man can know.

Here’s Matt Lauer Grilling Bill O’Reilly about Sexual Harassment. Two months ago.

Makes you wonder what Lauer was thinking. 4:09, “Think about those five women…” With his finger out. What a tangled web. He’s asks O’Reilly if he’s “done some soul searching.”

I don’t watch TV news. There’s an article in the WSJ this morning about how this may impact NBC, further scandal like surrounded Weinstein. “Some of the women made complaints to NBC executives and were ignored.” I’d guess his might bring down some other people who knew, but covered for Lauer. The guy was making 20 to 25 million per year.

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I saw this recently. Astonishing and cringe-inducing. Surely the magnitude of the cognitive dissonance that must have arisen in Lauer’s head during this interview was overwhelming.

Or maybe not? Guys like this (both Lauer and O’Reilly; many others of course) seem to possess some sort of capacity for managing the cognitive and emotional repercussions of their own sordid behavior. Maybe it involves rationalization; maybe compartmentalization; maybe both; or maybe some other mechanism(s) entirely.

Or maybe they’re simply sociopaths.


O’Reilly says he’s completely innocent. No problems sleeping at night. He’s making a public statement, and there are legal issues, so…

I do wonder what these guys say in private to their closest friends. I’d guess they’ve convinced themselves that it was harmless, no big deal, probably the women were flattered, it was consensual.

This is a story from a former journalist friend, who knows someone who worked with Garrison Keillor, so friend of a friend for what that’s worth. She told me she’s known he was a creep for 20 years. Apparently Garrison Keillor ran his hand up this co-worker’s thigh in a car. She said, “You’re a married man.” He said, “I thought we had an understanding.” So, yeah. Some of these people seem to have a pretty warped idea of what others are thinking. Maybe do a pretty good job of lying to themselves.

I keep thinking about this.

I know I probably sound old fashioned fretting about our culture. I’m not an advocate of unhealthy, repressive attitudes either. That seems to bring out weird behaviors of other kinds.

We look at the vintage TV shows like Andy Griffith, and realize that was an idyllic TV version of life. It all looks very innocent. Of course, humans have had all the same problems. It’s not like lust, pride, or abuse of power are new things.

Maybe it’s just that we’ve been fairly successful at integrating women into the workforce, but haven’t been as careful about drawing boundaries, enforcing boundaries, keeping people in positions of power in check.

I imagine a lot of men, particularly older ones, feel they allowed women into the workforce and simply don’t see them as equals.


When this Lauer thing broke; somehow I imagine O’Reilly lying in bed with 2 hookers…looking at the TV…pumping his fist…and saying…

“…BOOM!, Bitch…!!!”


Yes. And this is a tangent, but I read this article recently in The Economist, and just felt completely discouraged. It’s just one study. A university in Europe. But these are young students. Both the young men and young women have a bias toward male lecturers. And these are business students, so they’re likely to take those attitudes with them into the workplace.

Anyway, what I was getting to earlier about how women are valued for our looks more than men. This would also indicate that we assume women are less competent.


With the current raft of career-ending sexual allegations going around and, as the father of two sons, I have some (I think valid) concerns about the pendulum swinging too far the other way. But it’s stuff like this:

The results are both striking and disturbing. Ranked on a scale from zero to 100, the evaluations place female instructors an average of 37 slots below male ones. Students taught by women gave lower ratings even to teaching materials that were the same for all course instructors, such as the textbooks and the online learning platform.

…that says “nah, we’re due”. It’s hard not being pretty damn disgusted with my gender right now. It doesn’t even compute with me how some of these people could live with themselves after what they’ve done. I don’t want to believe I’m an outlier, but it’s getting harder by the day.

I think people are amazingly good at convincing themselves that there is something that is different between their own behavior and others.

It’s the kind of thing that makes people think their own minor mistakes (like running a stop sign by accident/because no one seems to be around) is acceptable whereas they think it’s very wrong for someone else to do the same thing.

Of course, in the case of sexual assault like this, it goes far beyond being “minor”.

It does boggle my mind that these people cry innocence when, as far as I can tell, they’re basically being judged on the same terms that college boys are in the era of the Title IX guidelines from the Obama Admin.


Oh, Lake Woebegone, I had higher expectations…

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Gender? That’s a fluid concept. Just identify with another.


So critical theory and intersectionality IS good for something /s

I believe that’s what’s going on here; yes.

I may be reaching here, so I hasten to say I am speculating broadly. One thing that may also affect teacher evaluations is communication style–do the teachers have similar verbal styles, etc?

I’m not saying this to criticize the study–which looks sound on it’s face and I don’t like to criticize something until I’ve actually read it in any case–but because I can tell you looking back on my own college career that I definitely saw differences in communication styles between my female and male teachers.

I never thought for a moment that the women were less qualified or legitimate, but I can readily tell you I had only 1 woman professor that I really liked as a teacher, and it had to do with how she communicated. I could point to many more female teachers I absolutely loved in primary and secondary education, and very few males in that time period that I liked.

Anyway, N=1 and all that. But I do think communication styles are important and sway students–studenta make evaluations for any number of irrational (and rational) reasons and it doesn’t always have to do with qualifications for the position. In fact out of all my fellow students I think only 1 I recall made a t-eval based on their belief the teacher was unqualified.


Also don’t men choose different fields than women pretty often? The male students would tend to have female teachers who aren’t teaching in their major courses. I know I was annoyed by my basket weaving 101 professors because the courses were required. I felt like it was a shakedown operation.

Did the study control for that?

My N=1 experience of that was a “Witchcraft and Wizardry” …I needed a 400 level class…that was all that was available in that “area”…I got docked points because I didn’t dress up the last Friday because “participation.” Boy, was I not impressed.