F*cking Awesome Squat Vid

One of the best squat vids I have come across. Not the strongest of course, but badass intensity and just fun.

Strong lifts. I don’t like how h’s bouncing like he’s trying to dance to that shitty music. Also think he drops down too quick. But yeah he’s strong.

I’m pretty sure there are riffs from the ghostbusters theme song in that shitty music.

What an awesome video. That fucker is crazy. And crazy strong. And personally I love his squat style. I love how he just starts shuddering violently when he is trying to get through a sticking point hahaha.

[quote]BigRedMachine87 wrote:
Strong lifts. I don’t like how h’s bouncing like he’s trying to dance to that shitty music. Also think he drops down too quick. But yeah he’s strong.[/quote]

Seriously? I’m pretty sure he’s staying up late at night worried that you think he’s dropping down to fast. Or he could be utilizing that fast drop to get more rebound.

That’s a really motivational video, thanks for posting it.


[quote]BigRedMachine87 wrote:
Also think he drops down too quick.[/quote]

He must be losing so much sleep over that fact. Shut up. Those squats were fucking perfect.

Damn, fucking awesome.

That music was… well it certainly was something.

Bad ass squatting. Deep as you can get them!

Seems like he was using a pretty flex bar though, nice and whippy.

Obviously he is an oly wler, hence the squat style, whippy bar, and lack of a proper pling belt. Btw, he is 20yo and 84kg.

@Bigred: You suck.

That’s awesome. I loved it. Great speed. I have to show my husband. Maybe that’s what he means when he keeps yelling at me to be faster.

On another note, when he dumps the bar, all I can think of is what a pain in the ass it is when you fail a squat and have to strip the bar to put it up again.

Woah he had this crazy rocking thing he would do to get through the sticking point. That guy looks like he’d be a blast to lift with lol.

[quote]BigRedMachine87 wrote:
Strong lifts. I don’t like how h’s bouncing like he’s trying to dance to that shitty music. Also think he drops down too quick. But yeah he’s strong.[/quote]


Damn, that is one crazy strong motherfucker to aspire to!

Wow, that’s almost exactly how I squat now. Obviously not as strong or as smooth as him, but it’s cool to see someone with my ‘style’ to try and emulate. He even does the violent shaking during a tough rep that my friends laugh at me about lol. Thanks for this find OP.

This was great, glad to see that most people here understand he’s training for Oly lifting. That form is awesome, depth is ridiculous. Big Red - you ever seen an Olympic lift? You know they have to drop as fast as fucking possible, right? A slow descent makes zero sense when practicing a back squat if you’re gonna have to catch at the bottom when you perform Oly lifts.

My knees hurt just watching that. Reminds me Shane Hamman.

no hatin…hes a beast…great great squats wow…even my wifey says they are great squats!!!
noone in our gym squats right!

Awesome! Damn it takes nuts to squat out in the open…but I guess an Oly lifter has no choice.


That buckle he did on the last rep of his second set is usually my cue that I’m done for the day because I can’t keep myself stable anymore.

That crazy bastard sees it as a sign that he needs to add more weight!!

Watching that I really need to up my intensity.

Great video, thanks for posting.

Now where can I get me some Finnish trance music?