Extremely Tight Hip Flexors

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:

[quote]bluerock wrote:
i think a good one is the overhead (holding a medicine ball) walking lunge.

. [/quote]

I think I agree with you :wink:

Seriously though, the OH walking lunge can be a fantastic exercise for resetting the gamma loop and teaching the psoas about the correct length/tension relationship.


on a separate note, my routine before a workout (FB workout) is 5 mins of cardio, foam roller, activation exercises covering the whole body and then stretch (about a 5 sec hold) before hitting the weights. after the workout i stretch again this time holding it longer (dynamic stretch)

what’s your thoughts on this routine?

BBB, don’t mean to high jack, but I also have extremely tight psoas muscles I am working on, but in the mean time, is it still fine to do things like heavy trap bar pulls? I appreciate it.

thank you very much.

BBB…please help…I’ve been taking karate for 3 years now and due to 30+ years of inactivity my hips are beyond extremely tight. I feel like trying to do anything with my hips is like trying to bend burnt bacon, which is not good when karate is predominantly about hip rotation. To make a long story short, I have tried everything to loosen my hips so that I can get my kicks higher and nothing has worked. As much stretching that I do on a daily basis I wouldn’t think it would still hurt to start stretching every time but it does…I need to loosen up quick, like real quick as I have a Blackbelt test coming up and I don’t want to embarrass myself with lower then par kicks…btw sorry I didn’t realize this thread is 5 years old