Evil only succeeds because the good do nothing

 'How does caring bout the US make one "anti-American"? thats so old and weak -bury that shit already.'

  I just felt I had to make known my deep gratitude for the great care people like you have given to the United States of America. I especially apreciate the great lengths people like you have gone to just to make your patriotism known by everybody through the use of media coverage of instances where you deliberately blocked very important shipments to our troops waiting for food rations, chem protection, mail, medicine, in Iraq; I furthermore apreciate you demonstrating to our cops how responsibly you can protest by a) throwing concrete and rocks at them, and b) blocking important businesses during  your protests forcing them to arrest you;

Also not unnoticed are the very acts which so lucidly illustrated your heartfelt patriotism - and because people like you are not anti-american - which consisted of a range of things from hosting puke fests in public, to holding the flag of the USA upside down, to expressing your deep patriotism outside the USA with wise remarks meant to inspire generations to come - comments such as ‘we’re ashamed Bush is from Texas’ while in Spain is bound to inspire all american to show their patriotism with acts of the kind; And how could we forget the caring remarks of Columbia U. professor ‘We must wish the victory of the Iraqis over US troops. I personally wish them a million mogadishus in this war [ watch ‘black hawk down’]’.

 Thank you and all the aforementioned people and their likes for so eloquently demonstrating their deep patriotism for the Unites States of America.
Kuri: 'get this, I've been yelled AT by anti-American protests while walking on the street. Funny uh?'

A loser among your very own - you must feel very proud of yourself.

High aspirations.

US=GG wrote:

Here are a few very simple questions for you restless. If we wanted oil, why would we help set up a government and then leave? Why not just conquer the whole region? Would the european anti-Americas be able to stop us? Make me friggin’ laugh!!! Answer each of these questions. I challenge you."

The answetr is so obvious only a simple mind like yours wouldn’t see it. Regardless of what arrogants like you think, the USA is not completely isolated or independent from the rest of the world and even your borderline retarded president realises some effort must be made to preserve comercial relationships with the rest of the world. A full blown obvious occupation wouldn’t be tolerated so a dissimulated one had to be done. Obviously a lot of people are benefiting from this puppet government you are planting on Iraq. The way things are these days what’s good for the USA is good for the rest of the world, have you seen the stockmarkets latelly? Oil is wonderfull thing.

Can YOU explain why you wenet stright to the oil minister when you went there?

OF course you can’t, that would force you to admit the true reasons for this invasion.

"Next time you join a flag burning anti-American mob, I want you to think about the Good Guys on this forum. I want you to realize that we do not give a rat’s ass about your protests. As Diesel pointed out so eloquently, your protesters had better not pull any bullshit when our troops are near. We don’t take kindly to being harassed or attacked. "

You don’t give a rats ass about the lifes of non americans that is.

And for the record, you without guns are just a bunch of frightned kids. We’ve all seen the heroic performances captive USA marines displayed live on TV, and they’ve had better treatment than Al-Qaeda mambers are having in your hands. It’s easy to brag about being brave when your military power, coupled with a total disrespct for human life and inhability to think for yourselfs allows you to polish and clean up war untill it’s suited for media consumption and is made suitable for dinner time entertainment, after all, it’s all about pushing some buttons and destroying lifes and homes from way up in the air before fighting a seriously outnumbered and outarmed enemy on th floor, right? Just ask Diesel.

And Diesel, congratulations for now being part of the USA armed forces, with some luck you’ll be able to go shoot some kids in some underdeveloped or midle east country. God bless the american way!

the US put saddams “party” to power(saddam was big boss nr2), as well as the taliban. it was a good thing that the US attacked iraq and afganistan removing those bad people. but does it make you the good guy? punching a person in the face with one hand and giving him something to eat with the other? to me it doesnt.
it would be nice to have democracy restored in various south american countries too, in wich the freedom to run your own country was removed from the people by the CIA.
Africa is filled with bad guys but noone cares about those. probably becaurse the countries have nothing financial to offer whoever helps them.

this is not a flame, my country(sweden) would probably do the same if we were the biggest military power in the world.

and yes, im tall, blond and intelligent, but in the future everyone will be a “mix” of “races”.
it was a long time since i last wrote anything in english, please dont take your anger out on my bad english.

You are a hate filled maggot. It’s hard for me to imagine someone so filled with venom. I was going to try and argue that we went for the oil in order to fund the reconstruction of Iraq. However, you would just twist it into your usual Anti-American vitriole. I hope you and I meet someday. I’d be willing to bet you would be the one experiencing fear.

Thanks for answering portions of the questions I asked you. Let me re-ask some of the questions and add a few new ones.
Have you ever been part of an Anti-American mob? Where are you? Do you realize that most Americans supported the war? Do you realize then, that you aren’t only anti-American Government, that makes you pretty much Anti-American people?
Why are you surprised that people boo you? You deserve scorn. Your treatment is most appropriate.
Thanks for the trailer park comments. I needed a laugh. It’s your gift to me for putting up with your stupidity. I gratefully accept.
Finally, please don’t hurry on your way back to America. We are doing great without you.


hell I’ve never witnessed an Anti-US mob, and since im not anti-American why would i join one?

ah, thread getting boring. Inane personal attacks go nowhere fast.

Diesel, I sincerely hope you do have the chance to spend alot of time overseas. My bro did during his military service & he loved it.