Everything is Hard Before It is Easy (Nutrition + Workout Log)

From eyechrometer, macros and calories look great. If you’re like my wife (a carboholic), you could lower fat intake down to 0.3g/lb BW and increase carbs to fill the rest. Less than that 0.3g/lb tends to negatively affect hormone production, but some folks still feel better with a higher fat content than that (which is fine).

If you’re really interested in the experiment (and the ‘why’ behind the ‘what’), I’d strongly recommend the Renaissance Periodization book “Renaissance Woman”… that book is a treasure trove of info that I’ll be using for both my wife and daughter for years to come. It gets into the science behind dieting and training surrounding the female hormonal cycle as well, if that sounds like your kind of thing.

Do you/have you tried engaging the hell out of your Lats, as if it were a straight-arm lat-pulldown? If you have, and it hasn’t worked - those ab straps that go under your elbows are pretty awesome.

Anyways, I’ll stop spamming up your log with unsolicited advice :sweat_smile:

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