Ever Feel like a Threadkiller 45.0

While reading an elmo story to my neice last week I came across a pic of Ernie and Bert. Couldn’t remember which was whom until I actually thought:

“Hey Ernie!”
“Hey Bert!”

with the exact tone in my head. And then my Sesame world fell into place. I think I was literally raised on that show.

1 chocolate chip cookie hahaha.

[quote]nlmain wrote:
While reading an elmo story to my neice last week I came across a pic of Ernie and Bert. Couldn’t remember which was whom until I actually thought:

“Hey Ernie!”
“Hey Bert!”

with the exact tone in my head. And then my Sesame world fell into place. I think I was literally raised on that show.

1 chocolate chip cookie hahaha.[/quote]

I liked the little bug things that lived in Ernie’s flowers.

I LOVED the count! I had a pop-up book with him that helped you learn to count!

I still watch Sesame street. ( I mean, my daughter does)


[quote]nlmain wrote:
While reading an elmo story to my neice last week I came across a pic of Ernie and Bert. Couldn’t remember which was whom until I actually thought:

“Hey Ernie!”
“Hey Bert!”

with the exact tone in my head. And then my Sesame world fell into place. I think I was literally raised on that show.

1 chocolate chip cookie hahaha.[/quote]

To hell with Sesame Street. I learned to hate it, as the preschool teachers would tease us with Voltron, then halfway thru, change the channel to that bullshit!!! I’m still angry!

Now, 3-2-1 Contact and Reading Rainbow were my shit!!! I still know both theme songs by heart.

[quote]Rodimus Black wrote:
To hell with Sesame Street. I learned to hate it, as the preschool teachers would tease us with Voltron, then halfway thru, change the channel to that bullshit!!! I’m still angry!

Now, 3-2-1 Contact and Reading Rainbow were my shit!!! I still know both theme songs by heart. [/quote]

Butterfly in the sky, I can go twice as high…


Amy Winehouse found dead yesterday, truth.

Lamb for lunch, along with spinach-tomato salad, life is good.

[quote]WolBarret wrote:

[quote]Rodimus Black wrote:
To hell with Sesame Street. I learned to hate it, as the preschool teachers would tease us with Voltron, then halfway thru, change the channel to that bullshit!!! I’m still angry!

Now, 3-2-1 Contact and Reading Rainbow were my shit!!! I still know both theme songs by heart. [/quote]

Butterfly in the sky, I can go twice as high…[/quote]

TAke a look, it’s in a book…

That was my shit!

I would love to just take my belt off and whoop all these jokers asses that walk around with their pants around their thighs. Then get their ladies too, just for putting up with them. I’m old.

my girl just asked me do i want to have babies.

Hi! Got out of work early! It’s fucking hot out!

looks like youve got a stage 5 clinger too huh?

For the first time in forever I feel single. How does one go about dating when they live in the middle of no where and have no friends within a 3 hours drive?

Let’s tack on has weird hobbies, and gone to way too much school to my forever alone list.

[quote]Patch2 wrote:
Let’s tack on has weird hobbies, and gone to way too much school to my forever alone list. [/quote]

Not everything in life will be convenient, unfortunately. Hell, my gf is a 90 minute drive from me, but honestly, she could be 8 hours away and I would still make the trip every damn weekend. Stepping off my soapbox.

[quote]Rodimus Black wrote:

[quote]Patch2 wrote:
Let’s tack on has weird hobbies, and gone to way too much school to my forever alone list. [/quote]

Not everything in life will be convenient, unfortunately. Hell, my gf is a 90 minute drive from me, but honestly, she could be 8 hours away and I would still make the trip every damn weekend. Stepping off my soapbox. [/quote]

Yeah, I know I just have no idea how one goes about meeting people when you’re not in a city.

I’m just having one of those days. The rain doesn’t help.