Estrogen & Muscle Loss

Clomid dose was too high and resulting high LH has caused high T–>E2 inside the testes. Anastrozole cannot control that. Simple wrong dosing. E2 changes gene expression and leads to libido, energy problems and is also a catabolic influence that limits your gains from T. Estrogens interfere with T at T receptors.

High LH may desensitize your LH receptors which may mess up your recovery. A step backwards.

You can see the problem with stopping SERM suddenly when your body is washing in estrogens. You will have a HPTA shutdown.
Must slowly taper out from the SERM and be using an AI during and past PCT.

After 4 weeks of SERM does not imply that SERM has been stopped.
So can’t state “recovery”

E2=109 is a disaster. E2=22pg/ml would be near optimal.
Anastrozole will be ineffective.