Cyclonengineer’s Engineering New Muscle

Something that is important to remember is that Christians are not Christ. When an individual Christian or groups of them, or a church or whatever, acts in a “wrong” or “bad” way, that is not Christ. That is flawed human beings acting a certain way using the name of Christ to excuse themselves.

I think @cyclonengineer gets this, I just wanted to re-point it out.

A similar thought crosses my mind when I see bumper stickers that say, “If God hates f*gs then he must hate me!” (Anyone else ever see those? I have only a couple of times, maybe it’s a regional thing?) If homosexuality is a sin, then God does not hate homosexuals, he would hate homosexuality. I recognize that this is a very touchy topic so I am only using it as an example, not actually implying anything by it.

It’s not the people, good or bad, that matter. It’s Jesus. Follow His example as best you can and you should be good.