Endless Training

[quote]durden wrote:

i’m sorry i’m not making myself clear. I do not advocate Adkkins,just some of his basic principles. And i in no way advocate a 30/0/70 diet, or any diet that has a 0 in the carb slot, although in extreme circumstances this is possible. If that was natural we would not have insulin, which is a vital survival hormone. Without insulin we would not be here. What i’m advocating in a nut shell is seasonal consumption of carbs. This does not imply stetches where you consume NO carbs, simply stetches where they are reduced, like in nature. Why?

See heart disease, cancer, diabetes. Now, find these conditons in any other animal in nature that eats seasonal.



Couldn’t agree you with more. I just didn’t quite understand what you were getting at…

[quote]CoachMike wrote:


I advise readers against taking too seriously anything witten by Dr. Perricone. He is a zealot, and his writing is extremely poor for someone who is supposed to be an academian. While his dietary reccommendations aren’t particularly disagreeable, they aren’t novel, and I find it incredibly phony how he passes them off as his “discoveries”.

He also extrapolates way too much from the research available on the supplements he reccommends (and probably has a financial interest in promoting). I’m not saying that they aren’t worth taking, but most of them are much less proven than he would have you believe.

[quote]belligerent wrote:
CoachMike wrote:

I advise readers against taking too seriously anything witten by Dr. Perricone. He is a zealot, and his writing is extremely poor for someone who is supposed to be an academian. While his dietary reccommendations aren’t particularly disagreeable, they aren’t novel, and I find it incredibly phony how he passes them off as his “discoveries”.

He also extrapolates way too much from the research available on the supplements he reccommends (and probably has a financial interest in promoting). I’m not saying that they aren’t worth taking, but most of them are much less proven than he would have you believe.

Well, I’ll put it quite simply. I believe him before I believe you. You have no qalifications whatsoever.


This is my last two cents:

  1. Adkins and Pericone are/were both interested in selling you stuff. At that point i get cautious. I don’t shut them out but i get cautious.

Weston Price, the author of “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration” was selling nothing. You can get his book at the library. I did. In his book he doesn’t even say “eat this” or “eat that” or “don’t eat this” or “don’t eat that” He just records his observations (the photos are stunning)and its up to you as a reader to draw your own conclusions. Again he was decades ahead of his time.

The same can be said for the authors of “Lights Out” Aside from the book,which i stumbled on in the library, they are selling nothing. Yes they make some suggestions, but its a minor portion of the book. The only thing they really pitch are some other books (by other people) that they recommend.

Finally, the last look at carbs in a way that i hope is clear. Your response to them is more primitive that SEX. You laugh. Think about it. Its 2000 years ago. You and the other 20 people in your tribe live in Minnesota. Its late summer, right before the worst winter in the last twenty years. Who survives???

The ones whose genes are desposed to a high insulin response to carbs (fruits etc). Why? because it allows you to store the excess carbs you eat as fat. Thus you are the one to survive the winter. Nature selects this trait and generation after generation it gets stronger because it works. Not only that, but it encourages it. Stuffing yourself with carbs just plain feels goood. Beacuse 2000 years ago it meant life or death.

You say bullshit?? I say no. SEX meant survival of the species. Now fast forward to today. Are we in danger of not having enough people on earth for the species to survive??? Of course not. From an intellectual stand point you could say there are too many people. So why is it that any healthy young male wants to BANG EVERY HOT CHICK he can get his hands on???
Its your primitive survival instinct kicking in from the last 10,000 years.

But your response to carbs is even stronger because it is not survival of the species, it is YOUR OWN survial at its core.

Think this is bullshit??? O.K. take a healthy 8 year old boy from anywhere in the world. Put a hot co-ed, a steak, a chunk of pork rind (fat) and a bag of candy in front of him. Which one will he pick???

You and i both know the answer…the candy. Its a primative survival response. Sex can wait till hes older, but his primitive response to carbs starts at birth

So why is this a problem???

Because up until the age of agriculture, our access to carbs were limited by the seasons. NOW WE HAVE ACCESS TO THEM 24/7 365 DAYS A YEAR. Its like owning and living in a whorehouse. Its really great for a while until you get VD or Syphillis or HIV.

With excess carbs your poison is cancer, diabetes and heart disease. And you don’t have to be fat to get any of them if your sucking down carbs more than nature intended.



[quote]belligerent wrote:
CoachMike wrote:

I advise readers against taking too seriously anything witten by Dr. Perricone. He is a zealot, and his writing is extremely poor for someone who is supposed to be an academian. While his dietary reccommendations aren’t particularly disagreeable, they aren’t novel, and I find it incredibly phony how he passes them off as his “discoveries”.

He also extrapolates way too much from the research available on the supplements he reccommends (and probably has a financial interest in promoting). I’m not saying that they aren’t worth taking, but most of them are much less proven than he would have you believe.

He VERY much has a financial interest in what he writes. He sells his products in all the high-end dept stores. But his stuff works well and lines up in general with the research. But it is a shame he became such a salesman…

[quote]durden wrote:

This is my last two cents:

  1. Adkins and Pericone are/were both interested in selling you stuff. At that point i get cautious. I don’t shut them out but i get cautious.

Weston Price, the author of “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration” was selling nothing. You can get his book at the library. I did. In his book he doesn’t even say “eat this” or “eat that” or “don’t eat this” or “don’t eat that” He just records his observations (the photos are stunning)and its up to you as a reader to draw your own conclusions. Again he was decades ahead of his time.

The same can be said for the authors of “Lights Out” Aside from the book,which i stumbled on in the library, they are selling nothing. Yes they make some suggestions, but its a minor portion of the book. The only thing they really pitch are some other books (by other people) that they recommend.

Finally, the last look at carbs in a way that i hope is clear. Your response to them is more primitive that SEX. You laugh. Think about it. Its 2000 years ago. You and the other 20 people in your tribe live in Minnesota. Its late summer, right before the worst winter in the last twenty years. Who survives???

The ones whose genes are desposed to a high insulin response to carbs (fruits etc). Why? because it allows you to store the excess carbs you eat as fat. Thus you are the one to survive the winter. Nature selects this trait and generation after generation it gets stronger because it works. Not only that, but it encourages it. Stuffing yourself with carbs just plain feels goood. Beacuse 2000 years ago it meant life or death.

You say bullshit?? I say no. SEX meant survival of the species. Now fast forward to today. Are we in danger of not having enough people on earth for the species to survive??? Of course not. From an intellectual stand point you could say there are too many people. So why is it that any healthy young male wants to BANG EVERY HOT CHICK he can get his hands on???
Its your primitive survival instinct kicking in from the last 10,000 years.

But your response to carbs is even stronger because it is not survival of the species, it is YOUR OWN survial at its core.

Think this is bullshit??? O.K. take a healthy 8 year old boy from anywhere in the world. Put a hot co-ed, a steak, a chunk of pork rind (fat) and a bag of candy in front of him. Which one will he pick???

You and i both know the answer…the candy. Its a primative survival response. Sex can wait till hes older, but his primitive response to carbs starts at birth

So why is this a problem???

Because up until the age of agriculture, our access to carbs were limited by the seasons. NOW WE HAVE ACCESS TO THEM 24/7 365 DAYS A YEAR. Its like owning and living in a whorehouse. Its really great for a while until you get VD or Syphillis or HIV.

With excess carbs your poison is cancer, diabetes and heart disease. And you don’t have to be fat to get any of them if your sucking down carbs more than nature intended.




Interesting theory about selection and “surviving the winter”. I’ve always been amazed at how few ectomorphs (like myself) there are.

I’ll check out the books you’ve suggested.

Btw, one reason I think Perricone works is that he sells his stuff in Nordstoms and Dillards in the ugliest looking brown bottles with a 1960’s label (like out of a third world pharmacy) at a very high price. It’s just hard for me to believe he could afford to keep it there and that the sales would continue to be generated unless the stuff worked at least moderately well…