Encyclopedia Britannica about Fascism

[quote]kamui wrote:

yes, it would have been more polite and better for this thread to say it directly.

like this :
“Zeb, you are often annoying”.

but i was trying to achieve an higher purpose here.
i was trying to save a young marxist guy.
i needed a counterexample he could understand.
and you happened to be the only one at my disposal.

sorry for that.

If it helps pull someone away from marxism… And I certainly can be annoying. Okay what the heck.

[quote]kamui wrote:

there is only three possible scenarii.

you may try to make reality fit into your schematic view of the world, and succeed “in your head”.
you will end up extremely dogmatic. and you will be lost.
(see Orion for example).

you may try to make reality fit into your schematic view of the world, and fail.
you will end up extremely bitter, devored by ressentment. burning what you worshipped.
you could even become an extreme conservative. and an annoying one at that.
(see Zeb, for example).

you can try to free yourself of your schemas.
it will be hard.
you will end up more and more perplex. because you won’t understand the world anymore.
but you will become more and more wise in the process.
you will grow some joyful sense of humor, and attract more and more girlz.
(see Kamui, for example).


lol. Best part is they both responded too.

[quote]ZEB wrote:

[quote]florelius wrote:
But I see dogmatic marxist as people who doesnt get marx.[/quote]

I’m assuming your english professor would not be pleased with this particular sentence. Actually none of us are very impressed.

So you’re not an english major at least. Phew.

Oh good I’m looking forward to more of your (cough) worldly wisdom.

[quote]and btw: I`m doing ok with the girlz.

All this and your a pimp too?

Wow, just wow.

I know I`m not king of writing english. I want actually argue with you about this because its a fact, I suck at writing english. One question my man: how is this relevant to the discussion?

btw: offcourse Im a pimp. Isnt that normal? ahaha

[quote]kamui wrote:

[quote]orion wrote:

[quote]kamui wrote:

you may try to make reality fit into your schematic view of the world, and succeed “in your head”.
you will end up extremely dogmatic. and you will be lost.
(see Orion for example).


I am lost?

Where should I be?


it was merely a joke but…

Austria, 2010 AD i suppose.
not in some Alternate Reality Libertalia.

you would know it, if you weren’t lost.

[quote]You’re in a place that the punk doesn’t quite understand therefore you must be lost.

LOL [/quote]

I have been called many things, but i had never been called a “Punk” until now.
It feels great, actually.
Thank you for that.

@florelius :

my primary concern was not dogmatism, but schematism and scientism

schematism and scientism are an intrinsic traits of all variants of marxism. even “Marx’s marxism”.

I will answer more extensively on this latter. [/quote]

could you explain what you meen with schematism and scientism?

ps. “marx`s marxism”, thats funny my man :smiley: I did LOL.