Election Day Thread

You should check out Scott Adams prediction on how to beat isis


An unsubstantiated low blow. But something that I have become accustom to from those who lack a real argument.


Well played non the less.

Thatā€™s an interesting plan therajraj.

I get the idea that they are spread out over various areas (woops another Obama error pulling out of Iraq too quickly AND telling our enemies when he would do it). But letā€™s keep in mind they are a group of 40,000 at best driving pickup trucks with machine guns mounted on them. This is in no way a force that should be able to stand up to the full might of the US military and its allies. That is if we had a committed leader who was not afraid to lead and of course kill Muslim terrorists.

It seems to me that Obama has made this entire operation look much harder than it has to be (not saying itā€™s easy). But then again he couldnā€™t figure out how to eliminate Isis without killing any Muslims so he put his fingers in his ears and started singing the Iranian national anthem so that he didnā€™t have to deal with it.

Anyone willing to bet me that Isis will no longer be a threat inside of two years?

Yes. Just a gentlemanā€™s bet though. Isis is to the Saud as the klan was to the democrats.

If there is one position that I think Trump may have overextended himself on it is Isis. In fact, if Trump and Putin work together to change the dynamics of the worlds petro market against the interests of the Saudis, Isis and its derivatives are going to get worse.

Actually, WAYYYYY Worse.

Disclaimer- This statement is substantiated only by the ā€œCuz I think soā€ clause.

You just donā€™t get it, Zeb.

What name some group of Jihadist wish to call themselves makes no difference.

You donā€™t break an ideology by body-countsā€¦and you donā€™t stabilize a region with Hell-Fires, Bunker Busters and precision munitions fired from Predators.

Kill them all and take away their Toyota Flatbedsā€¦and more will come to fill the void.

My hope is that Trump doesnā€™t start waving his Dick in the Middle East to prove how ā€œtoughā€ he is at the expense of dead Americans.

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You mean like pointing to bad things Obama said in his book about Israel and Muslims that arenā€™t in the book?

Heh. So the new Zeb cares about substantiation before attacking a president?

In any event, Trump wonā€™t jump until Putin gives him the green light. Everyone sees how this is shaping up.


Nah, Zebā€™s foreign policy depth consists of watching 80s era action movies.

But in any event, were Trump to go try and carpet bomb ISIS without a direct attack on America attributable to the group, heā€™d be betraying his campaign promises to avoid the next Iraq War.

ISIS wants to suck America into a hot war in their territory.

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I understand what you are saying and I think it has a lot of merit. But, I also think that Isis (and company) have been emboldened by Obamaā€™s weakness. Once they see the bloody mess that America and her allies can wreak they wonā€™t be signing up as many recruits. Oh I know they are promised 1000 virgins after they die in what they call heaven. But, stepping over dozens of body parts of those they used to know brings a certain awareness. One that says, okay virgins are good and everything butā€¦I can wait.

The problem is we have not demoralized them and have actually done the opposite.

This is a freaking war!! I donā€™t know about you but I really, really donā€™t like the idea of Muslim terrorists killing US citizens ON US SOIL! And they are doing it because we have not taken the fight to them.

World War II history demonstrates that the kamikaze mentality can indeed be defeated. But Obama is no Roosevelt or Truman. Hellā€¦he isnā€™t even a Jimmy Carter.

Utter nonsense. The resistance in Afghanistan operated with the same materiel - ā€œpickup trucks and machine gunsā€ - but the task of eradicating the Taliban and terror affiliates was difficult (and still not done), and wasnā€™t a function of Obama pulling punches because they were Muslims. Thatā€™s fabricated nonsense.

A colleague of mine spent time fighting in the badlands of Afghanistan after 9/11 and he talks non-stop of the impossibility of winning quickly when the playing field is asymmetric warfare, and none of it has to do with pulling punches.

Anyone who reads beyond Judge Jeanineā€™s newsletter knows you canā€™t simply aim all of your munitions at an enemy like ISIS and flatten them, never to hear from them again.

And Trumpā€™s not going to do that.

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Iwo Jima and Okinawa ALONE saw 80,000 plus Marines, Corpsmen and Soldiers Killed and woundedā€¦(and thatā€™s not counting Navy losses on ships, in subs, in planes, etcā€¦)

At one point; we had 300 B-29ā€™s Firebombing Tokyo per night, virtually destroying close to 90% of the city. It had gotten to the point that LeMay had to search for targetā€™s to Bomb.

Unless one is prepared to lay waste to the whole Middle Eastā€¦institute a draft in order to throw as many bodies into the fight as you canā€¦THEN occupy it (like we did Japan after WWII)ā€¦I will say it againā€¦

You donā€™t bomb away ideologiesā€¦


He will learn soon enoughā€¦

I hopeā€¦

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ā€¦when said kamikazes are taking their orders from a centralized government that will yield and ultimately sign a treaty ending the war when they have been defeated.

We arenā€™t fighting Imperial Japan here.

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Well, actually you do bomb away ideologies. Nazism was an ideology and we bombed it away. But thatā€™s not the real point, not the one I was making. I think firstly we must discourage the growth of such terrorist organizations.

I donā€™t think we have to do as you allege. I think that Isis can be targeted and destroyed. I also think that Trump has three Generals in his cabinet for a reason. Letā€™s sit back and see what happens.

By the way, what do you suggest as an alternative?

We already knew, when it was happening that the Russians were invloved. The evidence was there. Why didnā€™t obama order a full investigation then rather than waiting post election.
Everybody knee the Russians were hacking the DNC, it didnā€™t make a difference in the outcome. I donā€™t get the outrage now. Why wasnā€™t there out rage then?


Peopleā€™s VERY partisan reaction to all of this (as youā€™ll see in the replies to this post) proves that the President was correct when he essentially said he was going to be ā€œdamed if he did/damed if he didnā€™tā€.

A full-out investigation would have placed the President in the position of appearing to try to covertly sway the election, instead of Putinā€¦and if people are truly honest; they know that this is what would have happened.

While I donā€™t think that what happened was ā€œtheā€ reason for the outcome (Clinton was simply a bad candidate at the wrong time); this election was all about optics and appearances. The President chose (correctly, in my opinion) to not go down that road in this particular case.


That isnā€™t what the President Elect and his people are saying.

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It would still be nice to have at least one person who is in charge of one of the agencies who allegedly claim that the Russians hacked the DNC to step forward and say that this occurred. Congress called upon the CIA to do so and no one showed up. Does anyone else find that odd?

Currently all we have are democrat politicians saying that the Russians hacked the DNC. Okayā€¦call me a skeptic but there could be underlying political reasons for their claims. Then again maybe they are spot on. I would just like to see some actual evidence presented by the head of one of the agencies that are allegedly making these claims.

The left waved away the IRS being used a political tool to sway an election, all elections actually. Literal political persecution, of a domestic institution, and no one on the left gave a flying fuck.

The left was all in support of Trumpā€™s tax returns being stolen (a felony) and released by the NYTs.

Soā€¦ The right isnā€™t all up in arms about hacks that Wiki has said wasnā€™t from Russia, and hasnā€™t been proven a liar once, everā€¦ And the right is supposed to hang itā€™s head in shame?

Come onā€¦

Itā€™s horsehit if Russia was involved at all, but if the Dems think starting a fucking war with them on their way out of town is a ā€œgood plan to win back the White house in 2020ā€ fuck them too. But I find it really hard to get mad at Russia after Obama went to Israel and Britain trying to sway their electionsā€¦

End of the day, if the god damn press would do their job, Russia would have nothing to hackā€¦

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I donā€™t expect the right NOR the left to do a damn thing but what they always doā€¦

Reveal what hypocrites they (we?) can all beā€¦