Eggs-how many?

this is a long read, but if you get through it, it does explain a lot of things about heart disease. it’s not sponsored by a drug company or sanctioned by any goverment. it’s interesting, but NOT mainstream. not that any of us around here are, in fact i think we pride ourselves on finding the real truth about things. this is one thing you might be interested in.

a couple theories on heart disease…

Before we retort with the politcally correct “all saturated fat and cholesterol is bad…eat white bread and cookies” response…how about examining the issue instead of taking it for granted?

Can anyone hear say they’ve read “The Cholesterol Myths” and disagreed with it? If so, I would love to hear them discuss the topic. As it stands, I see little reason to believe any talk about cholesterol or saturated fat with relation to heart disease.


Eggs are pretty much the perfect food when you get right on down too it. I never just eat the whites. But how many eggs? How the hell should I know, I just eat different amounts depending on my caloric goals.

As far as impacting you, I’m with Neil in saying you could eat an entire carton and not have it bother you. Of course, this depends on what else your eating to go along with it.

My bad neil, guess i’m the asswipe.


I agree with you 100%! Dr Uffe Ravnskov shed a great deal of light on the cholesterol argument for me.

The question to ask is how did cholesterol grow to be such a bad guy from one inept study?

Could it have been perpetuated by the big drug company’s who make 12 billion dollars a year selling statin drugs to lower cholesterol?

Could be.

I’m surprised that nobody has mentioned carbohydrate’s influence on cholesterol. People with high cholesterol typically have high blood insulin and blood glucose levels as well. If you get the insulin to come down, the cholesterol typically follows suit. The reason is that high levels of glucose and insulin raise triglyceride levels, as well as signaling the body to produce VLDLs. VLDL production then leads to increased LDL production, which leads to downregulation of LDL receptors, and the process continues as we all know. It is also important to consider that the cholesterol that our body synthesizes is a potent anti-oxidant. So, it might be feasable to reason that high cholesterol is the body’s attempt to deal with extreme oxidative stress. Just some thoughts, and yeah, I eat three to four eggs per day, eat a lot of meat, and almost zero refined carbs. All my “blood tests” scores are perfect, for whatever they are really worth.


The latest research states that statin drugs do lower the chances of CVD. Not because of the lowered cholesterol, but because it seems they lower inflamation with in the artery. This in turn prevents the cholesterol from sticking to the artery, which can cause a problem.

This would also explain why half the people who have heart attacks have high cholesterol while the other half has normal to low cholesterol. Cholesterol is not the villain.Its things like inflamation etc. which causes the cholesterol to react the way it does which causes the problem.

By the way,exercise lowers inflamation faster and for a longer period of time than any statin drug can! It also lowers high blood pressure as well, which is far more important to good health than cholesterol.

You can choose the side effects of a statin drug or exercise and a healthy lifestyle, which I think includes eating eggs!

I had 8 whole eggs yesterday. :slight_smile: Scrambled eggs go very well with spinach in them, incase anyone hasn’t tried that yet.

You realise most of raskonov (Sp - who gives a shit) bullshit is taking 1 study (that wasnt even the main concept behind cholesterol/CVD) completely out of context.

And Cass, I wont argue, as I dont study fatty acids for a life, I am in the midst of measuring vast quantities of tHcy/RBC folate for a life :frowning:
But (one of) my supervisor has done a lot of GCMS work on fatty acids (also did a LCPUFA work as a student) and writes far too many fuckin papers on the subject. So did the HOD at my uni, but hes more diabetes/heart disease oriented.
One of my friends is busily putting 3000 samples thru the GC x3 (RBC, platlet and another for fatty acid analysis) talk about time consuming

Statins are great. SLIGHTLY reduce the risk of CHD and then raise the risk of cancer and other crap.

Yeah, “Cholesterol Myths” is a good book.

eating a very rare grass fed steak right now - fat and all

“You realise most of raskonov (Sp - who gives a shit) bullshit is taking 1 study (that wasnt even the main concept behind cholesterol/CVD) completely out of context.”

Yeah, forget about all the other stuff he uses.

Meat doesn’t need chewed thoroughly if it’s raw.

Yeah, chewing is overrated.

swallowing hunks of extremely rare steak whole


I shoot for five or six a day.

3 yolked, 2 or 3 just the whites.

I pay a bit extra for the cage free eggs. Once you have them, caged eggs just don’t seem as good.

Omlettes with mushrooms sauteed in olive oil and some turkey bacon is goooooooood stuff.


" You realise most of raskonov (Sp - who gives a shit) bullshit is taking 1 study (that wasnt even the main concept behind cholesterol/CVD) completely out of context.

I don’t realize that because that’s not at all what he’s doing. He looked at almost every study done on cholesterol and showed that ALL of them were pure statistical masturbation and deceit.

Have you read his book?


Of all the forumites who cruise this site,

I nominate Neil as the most likely to need the Hiemlich manuever.

I know fat isn’t bad for you. Some kinds of fat are better for you than others. I was trying to say that 12 whole eggs will have almost as much fat as you need on a 3000 kcal/ day diet. Roughly 18% to be exact. plus the oil needed to fry them.

I eat my eggs raw.

I eat my steak raw.


I was a vegetarian for three (3) years, no meat, no eggs, milk or cheese. My total cholesterol never dropped below 250. It’s genetic. My Dad’s was always around 300 and my mom’s was usually at the top (200). Some people have to put the brakes on their liver…in my case the lowest dosage of Lipitor has brought me into the 180’s. Oh yeah, both parents died of CHD. Am I afraid of Lipitor? Hell no, I’m more afraid of the idiots driving on the road these days!!!

Well, seems I stirred up some s… Thanks for all your responses. I was just curious what the general feel was out there. I know what works for me and feels good, but sometimes wonder if it’s just me or what.

I follow a hybrid of bodybuilding nutrition/traditional nutrition. I use animal-based fats freely as I crave them, but I’m not going to try incorporating as much butter and lard as possible for fat soluble vitamins like they seem to suggest. Cod liver oil can take care of that. Besides, no one on either side of my family suffers from cardiovascular disease, despite them having unhealthier lifestyles than mine.