EDT Training Advice?

Hi everyone

Hoping for some more good advice as always. I have recently switched my training focus from a strength based approach to a more hypertrophy /aesthetic style to improve my body composition. My only problem. With this is that all. Of the gyms are still closed due to lockdown. However I do still have all my kit that I used for strength training like barbell, plates, squat rack, bench. I was wondering if anyone had any advice on if this can be done with basic equipment or if anyone had tried and tested the escolated density training (edt). I look. Forward to you’re replies and hopefully some good guidance.

If your asking if you can achieve hypertrophy using the basics … the answer is yes.

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People have gotten monstrously big and strong with even less equipment. Do Super Squats and grow.

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Thanks for them replies. Any advice on how to put a program plan to achieve this or any good articles on here to read


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Why wouldn’t it be doable?

A week might look like:

A1) Front squat
A2) Plate waiter’s bow
B1) Hip thrust
B2) Straight-leg sit-up

A1) Military press
A2) Kneeling chin-up
B1) Meadows row (right)
B2) Meadows row (left)

A1) Reverse lunge (right)
A2) Reverse lunge (left)
B1) Barbell row
B2) Weighted push-up

A second barbell, a set of dumbbell handles, and/or a dip/chin station would open up a ton more options, but with good programming, you can totally set up an EDT plan with just a bar, rack, bench, and plates.

It’s one of the best ways to get a very solid workout done while watching the clock. The progression and setup definitely lends itself more towards body comp/muscle growth than prioritizing strength-building, but Staley has written about using heavier weights with lower-rep PR zones.

Give this a read to review the basics: Going Deep With EDT

Just bought a 2nd hand copy of his book Muscle Logic, which is a decent read. What Chris has outlined would certainly fit with EDT principles.

Given you have a rack and a bench, you really can hammer the compounds to ensure you are getting the big lifts in your supersets.

So I have looked. Into the super squats program. Did you run it as is written. Doing the same sessions 3x a week and only increasing the weight when you achieve the sets and reps

You increase the weight every session. Hit the 20 reps every session.

So you increase the weight in each lift 3x per week. I can see that stalling and getting to a point where you can’t progress pretty fast to be honest

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It’s a 6 week program. You should be eating enough that you don’t stall. That is the point.

Increase the weight on the SQUATS every workout. 5lbs.

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