EDT Call Pass Give-Away

I have 2 passes to give away for the EDT Teleconference July 3 at 9:00 a.m. PST-these calls usually last about 1-2 hours. Lot’s of good advise and you can even ask questions and it’s a toll-free number to boot. If this intrests you please post “put me in coach” here and I will randomly pick on Friday-thanks, Julianne

Maybe I’m an idiot… but what is EDT?


Put ME in coach!

“put me in coach”

put me in coach

put me in coach

put me in coach

put me in coach

put me in coach

Put me in Coach!

put me in coach

“put me in coach”

put me in coach

put me in coach

Put me in coach.

Put me in coach.

put me in coach

put me in coach. laters pk

put me in coach.

put me in coach