E2 Penile Sensitivity

Hi guys,

I’ve read a ton about e2 being high vs low and understand symptomology can be very similar on either side. I know I’m running a little high right now (every time I even microdose adex I start getting mild ED) but I’ve noticed a lack of sensitivity/more work to orgasm here and there over the past couple of weeks. I’ve always read that to be a low symptom. And again, it’s intermitent. My wife and I had sex twice 2 days ago and there was zero issue (almost too sensitive) yet a couple of days before that I struggled and this morning I felt kinda numb. Perhaps not e2 related?

I’m on 25mg TC 3x week with .05mg-.10mg adex once weekly with defy.


That is a pretty low test dose. Any labs? Once weekly AI dosing may allow for fluctuating E2 levels. I know one guy who micro doses daily because he is so sensitive to E2 fluctuations. Of course, some take it once a week as you do, but they are also on once weekly injections.

Sorry, I was clearly tired this morning and mixed up mg and ml. I’m on 50mg 3x week. 150 total, not 75. Apologies!

It’s probably low E2. I also get this with low E2. Up your Arimidex dosage to 0.25 EOD, and if that doesn’t solve the problem in one week, up to 0.25 ED.



You are an AI over-responder and likely will always have problems while taking AI’s, your only recourse is to inject smaller doses more frequently, it work great for me. I had to inject daily to bring estrogen under control, EOD and estrogen was always high.

A 150mg weekly dosage is a lot, more than most men need, but by injecting 3x per week, this is will produce higher levels than if injecting once weekly. Whenever adding an extra day and splitting up your dosage, you should decrease the total weekly dosage by 10-15%.

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Arimidex lowers E2. As in, you have less E2 when you use Arimidex. As in, having low E2 means you need a lower dose of Arimidex (NOT higher) or eliminate it altogether.

This statement doesn’t actually make any sense at all. If you mean that switching from a normal dose to a microdose causes ED, then don’t do that. If you mean taking any AI at all, even a microdose, does this, then don’t take any. Yo are explaining symptoms of low E2, and seem to be trying to treat them by lowering your E2. You undestand that Arimidex LOWERS E2, right?

Judging by his Arimidex dosage (0.05mg - 0.1 mg per WEEK) I think it’s very unlikely that his E2 is low. That’s too little Arimidex to crash one’s E2. Even if he’s an overesponder. Also, when my E2 is high, I have the exact same symptoms as this guy.

But, as always, the only way to know for sure is if the OP gets a blood exam. But in this case, my money is on high E2, not low.

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Not for me. Arimidex even a tiny amount can crash u. We are taking trt doses not body building doses.

My e2 has been in the high 50s. Defy was worried and had me microdose AI. I’ve tried and definitely started getting mild ED. So we lowered me from 160mg twice per week to 150mg three times per week and lowered the AI even further. When the loss of sensitivity happened a couple of time this week, I was only taking .05mg of adex for the whole week. So I feel pretty confident that I haven’t crashed my e2, yet I have these sensitivity issues pop up. Or maybe I’m that sensitive and I have pushed it too low and should retest.

For what it’s worth, prior to TRT, i was on Clomid monotherapy 3 times weekly for many years and was taking .10mg adex per week with a compound that is known to driven e2 high and my e2 tested below 20 quite a few times. Defy agreed that is pretty indicative of me being an overresponder.

Current other symptoms are night sweats and pimples. Not full on acne, but large/inflamed random pimples on my face. Night sweats smells odd. Not like sweat. Otherwise, I feel awesome. Great gym gains, great libido, etc.

I’m assuming that’s 50 mg per shot, not 150 mg per shot (450 mg / week). I wouldn’t do anything about an E2 in the 50’s, if you aren’t symptomatic. Mine runs in the 60’s last check, but I know 1/4 tab Arimidex twice a week drops my non-sensitive E2 to 8. No sides that I’m aware of for no AI at all and an E2 in the 60’s. Except maybe a little bloat, but not terrible. I would be far from confident about not crashing your E2.

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Thanks for the quick reply. Correct, 150mg weekly total split across 3 50mg doses. I don’t have any bloat, nipple sensitivity, etc. Morning wood comes and goes but I’ve stopped chasing that years ago (it’s there every time and very strong with 5-10mg cialis but I don’t take that daily). Interesting that you think I could, in fact, be crashing my e2 with such a low dose. Now that you say it, the night sweats started after adding adex. Defy gave me license to not take the adex at all and maybe I’ll leave it out for a few weeks and see what happens.

Thanks for the reassurance on walking around with e2 in the 50s and 60s. So many people immediately react that it’s a massive problem, prostate cancer, etc. My TT was also pretty high at the test that had my e2 in the high 50s (1200), so maybe it’s a ratio thing and I’m fine where I am?

It is difficult to understand why some doctors treat numbers over symptoms. How were you doing with that E2 level? Mine runs in the 50s and I feel much better than when it was in the 20s. I know guys over 100 who do great. There is no one size fits all approach. I doubt going from 160 to 150 would make a significant difference.


That would be my approach.

Thanks, guys. I’ll going to see what happens without and if anything, my next step may be lowering my dose and avoiding the AI altogether.


I think this is deffintly a E2 problem. I have been struggling with this symptom for a while now. It doesn’t happen all the time but when something changes with my levels my sweat at night has this strong crazy smell almost like vinegar. I would really like to know where this is coming from and what exactly is causing it. If you figure it out could you please let me know.

Also I have a question. So you feel fine with your E2 being that high?

What is the average dosage that someone takes if 150mg is a lot. I take 14mg a day do you think thats too low?

150 mg a week. Many guys on here are higher. I’m on 185 mg.

so I guess my 14mg ED is probably too low which would explain some of my symptoms