Dynamic Stretches

I’ve removed Box Squatting from my routine (I still do Squats just not the Box varieties)because when I get below parallel, my pelvis rotates inwards. This just adds unecessary lumbar stress when I stop on the box even if I keep my trunk tight.

From what I understand, dynamic stretches are better than static stretches if you want to improve your ROM.

What would be some good lower body dynamic stretches. I’m aware of the “inch worm”. Keep in mind that I train alone(God forbid I ask a local trainer!) so I cannot perform PNF that requires a partner.


I would highly recommend Split Squats.

Do a search on the Mag for ‘Great Ass Lunges’. Performing them in a stationary fashion completing all reps on one side before moving to another will help you emensly.

Static stretching for the Hip flexors is also often indicated by those who frown on Static stretching because of the nature of the muscles involved and the forces the exert on the pelvis and spine.

Tight Psoas and Iliacus are likely the culprit of the ‘stress’ you feel while bo squatting. Learning better hip drive would aid you in being able to squat (or Box Squat) without any pain.

Why not try some hip flexors stretches these work effectively when doing them staticly. This will definitely help you go lower in the squat.

[quote]Rob Coates wrote:
I would highly recommend Split Squats.

Do a search on the Mag for ‘Great Ass Lunges’. Performing them in a stationary fashion completing all reps on one side before moving to another will help you emensly.

Static stretching for the Hip flexors is also often indicated by those who frown on Static stretching because of the nature of the muscles involved and the forces the exert on the pelvis and spine.

Tight Psoas and Iliacus are likely the culprit of the ‘stress’ you feel while bo squatting. Learning better hip drive would aid you in being able to squat (or Box Squat) without any pain.[/quote]

My hip flexors flexibility is very good.
I can perform the Ass to grass squats.

My only problem is my hammies are tight and when I do squat, my pelvis rolls in before I reach parallel.

When I look at pics of Box squats, they maintain their lumbar curvature…even on the box, Which emphasizes the posterior chain development.

When I do box squats, my bakc rounds up even with just the bar b/c of the tight hamstrings. I can’t sit back below parallel without my pelvis roling inward which eliminates my lumbar curvature.

Hope this explains it better.


If your pelvis is tucking under it could be tight hams, but also look at glute flexiblity and errector strength.

Which exercies and what kind of stretching can improve hamstring flexibility?

I need to improve my starting position for a DL so that I can sit back, hips back, weight on the heels and shins straight. Right now, when I sit down, I lean forward and my shins are not perpendicular to the ground.
