DVD ... Yes It's True

Well I know that I’ve been announcing the release of my DVD for a long long time … well the time is finally here! It’s true, It’s true. The first DVD will be about various cluster training methods to increase maximum strength and size. 10 different methods are given and explained.

The DVD also includes an interview with myself (At home with the coach) as well as a sample cluster training program.

The length of the DVD is around 55 minutes and it will have a fully operational menu.

Hopefully Biotest will carry it. If they do, the DVDs should be good to go within 1 week.

The second DVD will follow shortly. It is on tape but is not yet edited. It’s about intermediate and advanced training methods for maximum hypertrophy. The length of that video should also last 55-60 minutes.

What is the price for each DVD and what is the best/quickest availability method if Biotest does the hideously unthinkable and decides not to carry them?

Disc Hoss


How about being the first ever Canadian author to price so that Canadians don’t wind up paying more than Americans? :slight_smile:

With the Canadian dollar on the rise, I wonder if magazines and books will continue being priced along the lines of $3.95 USD, $5.95 CDN.

CT, do you still have a newsletter? If yes, where can I sign up?