DukeTheSlaya's Journey to Overhead Pressing Like a God

One way or another you will. You are too stubborn not to :wink:

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Definitely!, if not i will sacrifice milk to our holy lord and saviour of gainz

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Semi on call. I check in. Plus I see tags.

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So last night was feeling a bit sick from the milk, i thought itd pass. This morning i was feeling utter crap and i couldnt sleep much last night, anyways i drank a litre this morning and i feel way worse. Im not throwing up or getting the shits so im not lactose intolerant, however my nose is full of snot and its like i have a cold. I just feel like crap. Why is this?, im going to keep going till tomorrow to see if milk definitely is the cause. Im very pissed :rage::rage:

Sounds like you have a cold.

I wasnt feeling sick until i drank lots of milk, i find anytime i have lots of dairy i get a blocked/snotty nose. Im wondering whether or not to scrap the gomad but i might just have a regular cold. Theres two options, no more milk until i feel better then i will try again or just ditch gomad.

You sure you’re not lactose intolerant?

Could be that it was really mild when you weren’t drinking as much milk as you are now.

Well im not throwing up or getting the runs which are symptoms of lactose intolerance, i do feel like utter crap at the moment though so im wondering if that still could be lactose intolerant. It could just be a cold that was developing that accelerated from consuming milk.

I can tolerate a bit of milk, but if I drink an extra litre I will feel a bit congested and have a ‘frog in my throat’.

This is why I’m saying take it easy Duke. Drinking 3 litres on your 1st day isn’t taking it easy.

How much do you drink on a regular day? 500mL? A litre? You have probably at least tripled your milk consumption in one day.

Have a couple days off and once you start to feel good, increase by 500mL a week. Not a day. Not 3x the volume.

I know you are eager to get into these things, but it’s doing exactly what you did that does not work!!! I don’t mean to be an arsehole but c’mon man!


I tend to go balls to the wall with things. I thought i could get away with it because of my large appetitie or something but i didnt take into account that i am not used to it. Thanks irishman il add 500 ml per week.


I would add in some orange juice as well to battle the congestion. I’m not positive, but from stuff I’ve read from Hepburn, Ditillo, and other older strong lifters who pushed a heavy milk diet, they all said they drank a good bit of orange juice as well.

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Cheers man il let you know if it helps!

Hey Duke, first post here, good luck with that gomad, never did it but close friend of mine did it actually for a few months, he actually got about 30kg heavier from 75 to 105, which is just crazy, a lot of strength as well, only problem is he is still fighting 3-4 years later too loose the exess fat. I would be careful with that, maybe get about 10kg at most, because a lot of it will be fat

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I went 4 litres a day while eating a shit ton of food for 2 months. Took me from low 60kgs to mid 75kgs.

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If you’re getting an adverse reaction so quickly I’d really be thinking about whether it’s worth it.


Concur. And really, unless I was running 20 rep squats, I wouldn’t do it.

At this age, it’s the time to develop healthy and sustainable eating habits. Gallon of Milk a Day is the opposite direction; just a sorta “meme” approach to eating. It can be useful once all other methods have failed, but I think one can get a lot further just relying on some meat, eggs and veggies.


Thanks for dropping by ny log!

To be fair I did have a bad reaction to gomad. However clearly my body isn’t used to high amounts of milk and i just jumped straight in with no build up.

Well, I’ve had allergy/cold-like symptoms for a while when I went back to drinking a quarter of gallon a day after not doing that for a while.

Went away when I took some of those lactase pills.

Try them out. IIRC they’re super-cheap anyhow.

Thanks man!, il have a look at the health /supplement store at the shops and see if they sell there.