Drugs Soluble in Ethanol - Pharmacokineticists Help




Yes, I agree. I like your point about serial dilution here.

Good disclaimer. If you grind up the tablets and understand the solubility of anastrozole in ethanol (~100 mM at room temp) then you can filter the insoluble binders/excipients at the end and be reasonably confident what your solution concentration is.

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I guess ensure was the wrong word. More likely? If you get it under the point of saturation, it should be a solution, right? I think that is the caveat I was looking for.


So I was trying to make a concentration of about 0.2 mg/mL. I assume that it is a given that the anastrozole would be a solution?

I am going to try to go no AI. Was thinking I maybe needed an AI with the 5 AR inhibition, but perhaps not. Infrequent AI use (like 0.25 mg a week) hasn’t made a noticeable difference in how I feel, and I have an outburst of body acne. Around the belly button, chest, back of shoulders, and back. Not sure if that is the cause? I am guessing it isn’t androgenic acne with the 5 AR inhibition, I am thinking it is fluctuating E2 levels.

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Yes, good clarification.

In EtOH, yes.

When I was on TRT one supplement that was like a light switch (ok, maybe not completely instantaneous effect, but over 2 months) was 500 mg of niacinamide twice daily. Completely obliterated acne.

Maybe something to look into. Seems to work for skin cancer as well and manageable side effect profile.

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As @tareload already showed, this is your answer.

There are multiple basic biological/physicochemical laws at work which ensure a homogenous distribution if it is an ideal or rather ideal solution.

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Just to clarify, if it is a solution then compositionally it will be homogeneous meaning the first dropper full will have the same composition as the last dropper full.

Here’s a reasonable summary of the ramifications of non-ideal solutions vs ideal solutions:

For the interested reader, non-ideal solutions present some challenges for separation and also predicting their solution properties.

Oxandrolone and clenbuterol are two entirely different beasts. Acute toxicity with oxandrolone not an issue.

Wholesale price of oxandrolone from china is $5-10 per gram. So overdosing your product (which would still be irresponsible and dangerous IMO) would not be make or break for your operation.

Still boggles my mind people consume liquid products. As @unreal24278 mentioned on here, I understand why the peddlers make them this way, but purity, stability and potency would be my concerns.

The main steroid site I know where people test and products are tested for purity and quantity routinely show overdosed products, up to 10% usually.

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