Dr. DiPasquale's Flaws

Everyone talks about how smart he is, and I agree, but his Anabolic/Metabolic Diet suffer several flaws. 1st off he has said not being in ketosis is optimal, that is why u should eat 30g carbs a day. 1st, being in ketosis is ideal on this type of diet, and 30g carbs will still cause you to be in ketosis. Some say he means it wont show ketones in the urine, which may or may not be true for some, but technically below 100g carbs one is considered to be in ketosis, his 30g theory has no scientific backing whatsoever, all it gives is more freedom, which should be stated plain and simple.

He says feed the body fat and it will burn it readily, a high fat diet will cause the most fat burning. Well not so if carbs are eaten w/ fat. Its really the abscence of carbs that causes fat burning, not feeding the body fat. Feed it little fat but cut out carbs and keep protein under control and the body will burn fat just as readily (and most likely more BF).
He recommends aspartame as a sweetener and anyone who has researched the topic knows this is a terrible recommendation.
On his carb load days he recommends getting more fat in (Metabolic Diet) as you adapt to the diet. A high fat/high carb meal is bad b/c most fat eaten w/ a high carb meal is stored directly as bodyfat. High carbs w/ no fat are not readily converted to fat via denovo lipogenesis, but do stop fat burning. But adding fat to these meals will cause maximum fat accumulation.
A low carb diet is ideal but some of the info he is putting out just isn’t right, Perhaps he is trying to find a way to be different to sell more books, but he should tell the facts as they are.

what he says may not all be right. but your ‘facts’ are only theories and some bad ones at that bud.

Haven’t you noticed that bodybuilding nutrition and excercise is always changing. Theories come and go, and then come back. I agree that Mario does have interesting comments and also that he most likely has his own scientific data to back his theories. Everyone does, the low carbers, the high carbers, the moderate carbers. What I personally like to do when coming across new theories is I try to keep an open mind, as far as bodybuilding goes nothing is ever going to be set in stone.

dman, explain what I said that was wrong, i’d be interested in knowing.

I like your comments on Dr. DiPasquale diets, seems like you have taken a liking to Barardi’s stuff (hence the no carb/fat mixtures) and I also agree with you about the Anabolic Diet; some meal refinement could have taken place. But I am questionable as to where your source of reference on ketosis being achieved at 100 less grams of carbs per day? What exactly were the flaws to the Metabolic Diet, seems like you were only mentioning the Anabolic diet. I understand this is mostly your opinion, the only reason I write is to let people know I strongly believe that you are misinformed about the carb amounts that achieve ketosis. This is particularly important for those out there who are trying to drop BF near the lower percentages.
I don’t want to be an ass but what this man says at the time he says it, is the best most scientifically backed up information the world of sports nutrition has to offer. So check your source, you could be misinformed.

I also am curious how you came up with the figure of 100g of carbs a day to be in ketosis. Not to mention I’d be really interested in reading those articles about how aspartame is harmful to ones health.
Links to mentioned articles would be appreciated.

OK, the below 100g carbs a day came from Lyle McDonald in his book “The Ketogenic Diet”. This is technically true that taking in less than 100g carbs a day will result in some level of ketosis. I’m not saying it can be detected in the urine (it cant) or there is significant production, but this is considered ketogenic. Ketosis is much faster achieved w/ less carbs, but i’m just pointing out that 30g carbs will NOT keep one out of ketosis, i’m sure any keto-dieter here that has done their homework would agree. The level of ketosis read on ketostix from the urine is not a reliable test b/c once one adapts to the diet they will be burning all ketones for energy and not excreting much through urine or breath. Again, I don’t advocate 100g carbs when cutting, I recommend 0 carbs, which is what I eat, BUT, i’m just stating a technical fact.
Didnt get the carbs/fat info from Berardi but he seems to have the same belief. OK, a high carb intake in itself wont necessarly cause fat gain (although it does prevent fat burning), this conversion (de novo lipogenesis) says excess carbs will be converted to bodyfat, but only w/ VERY high amounts and when liver and muscle glycogen stores are filled, and one doesnt burn the rest. BUT, add an appreciable amt. of fat to the high carb meals and this is your standard american diet (SAD) high sugar and fat. Carbs raise insulin, a fat storing hormone, and allows the fat to easily be stored. Eat high fat w/ no carbs (no insulin), none or little fat storage b/c the low carb meal causes a greater rise in glucagon, a fat mobilizing hormone. I’m not making this stuff up.
The same flaws made in the Anabolic Diet were copied and pasted to the Metabolic Diet (which is basically what the diet is, I have both and much is the same, word for word)
About aspartame, read all the articles here to start off,


when u r finished and if you want more info read “Excitotoxins, the taste that kills”.

How is it possible to maintain a HEALTHY zero carb diet since this excludes all fruits and vegetables? I have been doing a very low carb (30-40g)Diet for a couple of days now and I can’t seem to get below the 30g level. Right now I subsist on chicken breasts, lean red meat, almonds, Isopure zero carb, low glycemic fruits and vegetables, flax and fish oils, psyllium, non fat cottage cheese and lots of water. My macro breakdown is 13%c 45%p and
42%f I can’t think how I can eat much cleaner than this. Any suggestions?


Why do you say, regarding aspartame, “anyone who has researched the topic knows this is a terrible recommendation”? I’ve researched
the topic (though I cannot claim to have read everything" and I don’t see a problem. Other than throwing words about like “methanol” and “formaldehyde” and “brain cancer” and so forth, can this case be made? I mean, it’s fine to use the words, but only with supporting evidence that they are issues.

I have used ketosis style dieting for many years and I am usually between 5- 15 grams of Carbs a day. You say you get zero carbs, what are you eating that doesn’t have small amounts of carbs that add up to 5-15 grams a day? Very curious!!

there first is the theory and concept of insulin and fat storage. your grasp of it however is only one sided. You CAN store fat minus carbs simple as that. high Insulin may facilitate the storage but is NOT requisite. Eat a 20 oz Tbone a few time a day and youll probably get fat.

I eat chicken, turkey, beef, and fish ocassionally.

Protein Powder Fact and Fiction
Seven shortcomings of meal replacements


By far, the most common sweetener used in MRPs is aspartame. Personally, I’ve got no problem with aspartame. It’s a combination of two amino acids that happens to have a very powerful, sweet taste. It’s also incredibly low in calories, and bacteria that cause tooth decay can’t use it as a nutritive source. Pretty good stuff, all in all.

However, there remains a really big controversy over the use of aspartame. There are those who say that it causes panic attacks, seizures, and even brain tumors. These same people lobby tirelessly for the removal of aspartame from the market.

I find their evidence to be weak.

The latest, greatest aspartame study, recently published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1998:68:531-7), found no adverse effects from incredibly large amounts of aspartame ingestion. They used 48 healthy volunteers, and the dose used was nearly 20 times the 90th percentile average daily intake. They found no adverse behavioral, neuropsychologic, or neurophysiologic effects. They also concluded that aspartame is safe for the general public.

Regardless, I doubt that the controversy over aspartame will fade away. Aspartame naysayers may soon have a reason to celebrate, though. The FDA has recently approved a new sweetener that doesn’t have any of aspartame’s baggage. It’s called Sucralose. The revolutionary sweetener is made from sugar, tastes like sugar, and may be used anywhere that sugar can, including baking and cooking. It has no unpleasant aftertaste, and it’s very low in calories. What’s more, no one’s saying that it causes brain tumors.

Various soft drink manufacturers will soon be using Sucralose. Why, then, haven’t MRP manufacturers adopted the sweetener? Simple supply and demand. The Sucralose manufacturer (Johnson and Johnson) has a small supply, and the soft drink manufacturers have a big demand.

It’s only a matter of time, though, before this stuff is everywhere, including your favorite MRP. But, for the time being, most MRPs are stuck with aspartame."

Thanks Bill,I was having quite a problem with that as well,still waiting for a response.

Flex69 wrote:This is technically true that taking in less than 100g carbs a day will result in some level of ketosis. I’m not saying it can be detected in the urine (it cant) or there is significant production, but this is considered ketogenic. Followed by :The level of ketosis read on ketostix from the urine is not a reliable test b/c once one adapts to the diet they will be burning all ketones for energy and not excreting much through urine or breath.
I havent read Lyle’s book yet. But if there is no reliable method of verifying if one is in ketosis how did he come up with the 100 grams of carbs a day? I’m curious because other authors on the subject of ketogenic diets recommend a lower quantity. Thanks

Urine measures of ketones are useless, because upon adaptation, the kidney increases reabsorbtion of ketones. Therefore no ketones will get to the urine. It is usually measured by breath acetone, and blood ketones.
Most reference books will state 50-100g daily to limit ketosis, depends upon their stimulation of insulin secretion.