Done w/ AD, Doing Targeted Keto

        Well I've been gobblin up the carbs around the workout, cleanly mind you, and I'm holding at 190 with no gain of fat whatsoever, and actually looking good with good workouts also. I'm not pushing it yet too much, but for sloughing around and not working out very consistantly, I'm really surprised that I am still pretty hard and not losing any noticeable strength. We're talking about 2-3 weeks of not working out for shit really. I'm surprised.

               Anyhow, I'll try to get knuckled down and put more consistant posts here, want to get some maltodex for the wkout shakes pre and post too.

                 Been going over and over what my routine should and shouldn't be right now, and that's not condusive to making gains I know. I'll get it here soon.

         I will say this, it's a push/pull/legs probably Mon/Wed/Fri. And in between semesters I'll bump it to Mon/Tue/Thur/Fri with just push/pull, quads and hams split accordingly.
