Does the Type of Shoes Matter? Can I Go Barefoot?

Barefoot is good enough if you don’t have arches that collapse under the weight / conditions that get exacerbated with loading. Also most commercial gyms are going to be cunts about it.

May get flamed for this but I used to enjoy working out barefoot/ in flip flops, changing between DL and Squat shoes as required (Sabo Deadlifts and Nike Romaleos 2 respectively). These days tho no more barefoot/flip flops for me because staff are cracking down on it.

Legit weightlifting shoes with the raised non compressible heel are a bit much, running $100-250, if you don’t squat, powerlift or Olympic weightlift seriously.

If you are worried about foot health see a podiatrist. If you’ve tried barefoot or anything else and it feels good then consider it ok. If something makes your foot spasm probably avoid that.

Consider that stress is not necessarily something to be avoided completely. With a controlled stress/stimulus you get adaption/gains e.g. lifting gets you muscle gains. Too much and you can get injured or under recover.

If you are at all serious about lifting probably a good idea to invest in a pair of shoes or go barefoot. Running shoes are for running.

Chucks are flat, hard and low to the ground. If that sounds like what you are looking for then go for the classic lifting shoe.

Many shoes give a barefoot feel while looking sexy and complying with OH&S. try this thread for some other shoe options

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